Initial ideas Drawing with Word/PowerPoint Drawing with SerifDraw Annotation
Morphing Modelling Repeat patterns It’s not always easy to design. We are going to look at a range of tasks that hopefully will help you in the future. We call these tasks, design strategies. These strategies can be helpful when you are designing any product. We are going to look at the following design strategies: Proportion Inspiration sources Morphing Proportion Modelling Inspiration sources Modelling Repeat patterns Repeat patterns 2
The design of the cushion could be influenced by investigating: Design strategies The design of the cushion could be influenced by investigating: Outline shape Decorative techniques Morphing Proportion Modelling Repeat patterns
Design strategies: Taking a square and morphing it into other shapes to create an outline cushion shape Stretch it! Cut the top off it. Take a square Cut it in half Squash it! Round the corners Cut the sides Round it further Cut it in half Stretch it Round it further again Cut it in half
morphing it into other shapes to create a cushion Design strategies: Taking a square and morphing it into other shapes to create a cushion
Design proportions - Division of three When combining fabrics it is important to get the proportion right. Look carefully at the cushion designs below and decide which style you like the best. Dividing the cushions horizontally Dividing the cushions vertically Dividing the cushions diagonally Your preferred design could be a starting point to begin your cushion design.
Design strategy - paper/computer modelling Take a square and select ONE other shape. Makes an impact Too busy but it could work Simple and bold Take a square and select TWO other shapes. Simple and effective Layered but effective Far too busy Simple and effective Too fussy
Task – take a square and add one/two further shapes. You can use a computer or paper and scissors for this sheet. Think about presentation and don’t forget to add your annotations.
? paper/computer modeling Using computer software available, design your cushion ideas by simply using two shapes. If you don’t have a computer sugar paper works just as well. Before we look at the designs, what do you notice about how the designs develop? ? These designs should be quick don’t think about it too much just ` design quickly doing as many as you can in the time allocated.
Adding a further layer of designs. You can add further interest to your ideas by layering on another a design feature. Design features Previously completed ideas Previous ideas
Task - Adding a further layer of designs. Possible design features You can use a computer or paper and scissors for this sheet. Think about presentation and don’t forget to add your annotations.
What is a repeat pattern? Design strategy - repeat patterns What is a repeat pattern? The repeat pattern can be set out in a number of ways. The pattern could be block, set and half drop as shown below. Creating a pattern is easy and fun. Create a design you like and an outline shape you want to repeat in.
Design strategy - Repeat patterns As well as changing the position of the design, you can also change the size of the design and use this to give another effect. Two sizes of the flower designs are interlocked to make this pattern. This time more spacing is allowed between the flower designs are to make this pattern.
Design strategy - repeat patterns original design arranged into a simple pattern. reduced in size and arranged in a block patterns. rearrange to create new designs.. reduce the pattern and arranged inside each pattern. change the colours of alternate layers. Design strategy - repeat patterns rotate the design
Design strategy - repeat patterns
Design strategy - repeat patterns Pattern placed to the side. Design worked in other colours. Select patterns to manipulate. Combination of patterns.
Develop a repeat pattern. Think about colour and presentation Develop a repeat pattern. Think about colour and presentation. Don’t forget to annotate work it helps to explain your thinking to others.
Design strategy - taking everyday inspiration – trees The position of the tree has been changed around The outline of the tree is the inspiration for this designs. The leaves have been arranged scattered and also to make an outline of a tree. The ivy growing in criss -cross pattern the base for this design. .
Design strategy - taking everyday inspiration – butterflies The outline shapes of the butterflies are inspiration for the design
Design strategy - taking everyday inspiration – dragons
Design strategy - taking everyday inspiration Collect a range of images etc that inspire you. From these make quick sketches. Add colour, annotations and black outlines. Try developing them too.