Critical Introduction to Jack London Invitation to inquiry Open minds Stimulate curiosity In a critical introduction, one must include the experiences of the author’s life and how they relate to the themes within the authors works of literature. Watch the movie trailer for Jack London’s Call of the Wild.Jack London’s Call of the Wild. How are the life experiences of Jack London portrayed in his writing ? 456 Next 321 “Jack London was a native Californian who achieved worldwide acclaim as a powerful storyteller, a legendary public figure, and America's most commercially successful writer.” Hogge, Robert M. "Jack London." Twentieth-Century American Western Writers: Second Series
2. Literary Naturalism Build background knowledge Connect to content Discover interesting ideas How are the life experiences of Jack London portrayed in his writing ? Read “American Literary Naturalism” from Twentieth- Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. TrudeauAmerican Literary Naturalism What is literary naturalism? Which of Jack London’s works are considered to be literary naturalism? 456 Next 321
3. Where can I find information about Jack London? Web site: – Jack London and Naturalism Jack London and Naturalism – Jack London PowerPoint Jack London PowerPoint – Jack [John Griffin] London Jack [John Griffin] London – A Short Jack London Biography A Short Jack London Biography – The World of Jack London The World of Jack London – Jack London biography Jack London biography – About Jack London About Jack London Databases : Databases – Literature Resource Center – History Refence Center – netTrekker – World BookS – TumbleBooks Cloud (ebook Call of the Wild) Books – Look for a book on your topic in DestinyDestiny Encyclopedias are great for general information – Look in the Reference Section. Gather important information Go broad (search) Go deep (read) How are the life experiences of Jack London portrayed in his writing ? Gather information on Jack London. 456 Next 321
4. How will I present my information? How are the life experiences of Jack London portrayed in his writing ? Reflect on learning Go beyond facts to make meaning Create to communicate Performance Assessment – Overview - Critical Introduction to Jack LondonOverview - Critical Introduction to Jack London Your Critical Introduction/Literary Analysis Essay will be written using the following requirements.following requirements Critical Introduction to Jack London Rubric Performance Assessment Scoring Tool 456 Next 321
5. How will I share my composition? Learn from each other Share your learning Tell your story How are the life experiences of Jack London portrayed in his writing ? 456 Next 321
6. How well did I accomplish my goals? Evaluate the achievement of learning goals Reflect on content Reflect on process Take time to think about the research process you just completed. What was easy about this assignment? What was hard about this assignment? What did you learn about yourself as a researcher? Follow these guidelines to help you to prepare your reflection.guidelines Created by Phyllis Fullem BCPS based on Guided Inquiry Design by Carol C. Kuhlthau, Leslie K. Maniotes, and Ann K. Caspari. 456 Next 321