Guidelines and Resources for Social and Emotional Development and Learning: Educating the Whole Child Engaging the Whole School
WHAT IS SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING or SEDL? As described by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Social and Emotional Learning is the process of acquiring and effectively applying the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to recognize and manage emotions; developing caring and concern for others; making responsible decisions; establishing positive relationships; and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically
WHY NOW? Compliance and implementation of The Children’s Mental Health Act of 2006 (Chapter 667, Laws of 2006) and amended Education Law Section 305, subdivision 35: “The Commissioner of Education shall, in cooperation with the Commissioner of Mental Health, develop guidelines for voluntary implementation by school districts that incorporate social and emotional development into elementary and secondary school education programs prescribed in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section three of the Children’s Mental Health Act of 2006.”
WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL? Social and emotional development and learning (SEDL) has an important role to play in: – making schools safe and maintaining a caring school climate – facilitating students’ holistic development – enhancing student motivation, self-expectations and high achievement – SEDL plays a major role in becoming College and Career Ready
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO EDUCATE THE “WHOLE CHILD”? When educating the whole child, schools and afterschool programs must focus on the following tenets: Students enter school healthy and learn about and practice a healthy lifestyle Students learn in an intellectually challenging environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults. Students are actively engaged in learning and are connected to the school and broader community. Students have access to personalized learning and are supported by qualified, caring adults. Graduates are challenged academically and prepared for success in college or further study and for employment in a global environment
HOW IS SEDL RELEVANT TO ESD/SVP? SEDL begins at home and is further facilitated through seven approaches in different combinations: - Continual outreach to and inclusion of families and the surrounding community; - Attention to school climate and to relationships among and between students and adults; - Age-appropriate skill acquisition through character education, social-emotional learning and standards-based instruction; - After school, out-of-school, extra curricular, service learning programs and mentoring; - Alignment of district and school support personnel, polices, and practices -- in special and general education -- to assist all students; - Cross-systems collaboration with community-based child and family services for students in greater need; - Appropriate ongoing development of professional and support staff and partners.
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