COMMON CORE Math Joseph Baldwin & Pamela McHenry Adapted from slides from: Kelly Stadtmiller & Kristine Kaufman
What is common core? The Common Core Standards are national standards. Common Core Curriculum has been provided from NYSED. Students will Delve Deeper into Core Concepts. The Standards are a Progression. Assessments Will Change. Focus on Practical Skills. VIDEO
How can parents help? Support your child with time to do math work at home. Advise your child to stay after school with their math teacher as soon as they are struggling in class. Attendance and effort are key. Discuss why they are learning this math and how it will help them in high school and college. Practice math facts regularly at home and when going to the store etc. Work with your child on “gap skills” and retaining their fluencies from K-6.
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 1: Focus: learn more about less Students Must… Spend more time on fewer concepts. *Jr High Class of 2020 Parents Can… Keep up on students work through School Tools and on-line calendars. Completing work on time when it is being practiced in class is key. Students need to attend school with 90% attendance. Support students and teachers by making students available to make up work and get after school help.
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 2: Coherence: Skills across grade levels Students Must… Keep building on learning year after year Parents Can… Be aware of what your child struggled with last year and how that will affect learning this year Practice the struggling skills at home
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 3: Fluency Students Must… Continue to practice previous skills to become more efficient and retain the fluencies. Parents Can… Push children to know/ memorize basic math facts (times tables, decimals, fractions and integer work are a must at the secondary level) Know all of the fluencies your child – 7 th grade fluency is: solve simple equations AND 8 th grade fluency is: systems of equations
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 4: Deep Understanding Students Must… UNDERSTAND why the math works. TALK about why the math works PROVE that they know why and how the math works Parents Can… Notice whether your child REALLY knows why the answer is what it is – ask them “How do you know that is correct?” Provide TIME for your child to work on math at home
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 5: Application Students Must… Apply math in real world situations Know which math to use for which situation without being prompted to do so. Parents Can… Involve your child in real-world math when it comes up Ask your child to DO the math that comes up in your daily life
6 shifts in mathematics Mathematics Shift 6: Dual Intensity Students Must… Be able to use core math facts Be able to explain the concept Parents Can… Make sure your child is PRACTICING the math facts he/she struggles with Make sure your child is thinking about Math in real life
Standards for mathematical practice Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Skills progressions Why not just “standard” algorithms? Counting Numbers Fractions Rational Number System The Real Number System Complex Numbers Grade: K High School
Math strategies tape diagrams Really helps visualize word problems
Helpful resources Engage NY Engage NY Parks Math Site (Thank you Mr. Parks!) Parks Math Site IXL IXL Khan Academy Khan Academy Video on “flipping your classroom” Learnzillion Learnzillion Central Square School District Website Central Square School District Website
Questions? thinking about?