Analysis of Fire‑Rescue Emergency Services for Rockbridge County, VA June 2007 Presented by: Patrick Simpson, Project Manager TriData, a Division of System Planning Corporation (703) 351-8300 •
Scope of Study Management and Organization Operations Facilities, Apparatus, & Deployment Preventive and Support Services Strategic Plan
Management and Organization Structure Currently individual districts Proposed regional organization Proposed single point of accountability Creation of Fire/Rescue Commission Divisions in Department of Emergency Services
Management and Organization Communications Volunteer Recruitment & Retention Administrative Policies and Procedures Finance
Current Individual Districts Eleven Volunteer Fire Departments Six Rescue Squads Fire Association has no authority to set area wide policy Rockbridge Emergency Rescue Group also lacks authority to set area wide policy No area wide planning for Fire/Rescue
Proposed Regional Organization Create a Department of Fire/Rescue Services Appoint a Director of Emergency Services Set duties and responsibilities of Director Establish a Fire/Rescue Commission Set duties and responsibilities of Commission Develop interlocal agreements with jurisdictions for fire/rescue services
Single Point of Accountability Director reports to County Management Director develops overall policy and regional finance plan Director oversees 3 divisions in Regional Emergency Services Department Emergency management & prevention Operations & training Support services
Fire/Rescue Commission Advisory group for the Director of Emergency Services Composed of Fire Chief of each volunteer department & Captain of each rescue department Official platform for fire/rescue issues Meets regularly with structured agenda
Department of Emergency Services
Emergency Services Divisions Emergency Management and Prevention Division Expanded role of current position Adds public education Adds code enforcement Evaluates major risks in the area and develops action plans
Emergency Services Divisions Operations and Training Division Monitors all fire/rescue training Standardizes training Assists volunteers to standardize emergency responses Monitors apparatus, equipment, and stations to maintain effective operations
Emergency Services Divisions Support Services Division Supervises 911 Dispatch Monitors all radio systems Maintains CAD system Sets frequency allocations Oversees Information Technology Incident reporting system Computer needs Grant assistance
Individual Departmental Structure Currently have variations in individual structures Standardization would improve efficiency at major operations Standardization would improve safety Standardization would provide NIMS and NFPA 1720 compliance for regional fire/rescue services
Organizational Communications Internal Communications Standardize operational guidelines Improve channels of communications External Communications Lack of administrative interaction with fire/rescue Emergency services/administration distrust
Volunteer Recruitment & Retention Targeted Recruitment Cadet Program Retention problems Solutions Administration involvement Recruitment and retention committee Incentives Recognition
Policies and Procedures Difference between policies and by-laws Policies should be set at area level Bylaws are departmental function
Finance All financial recommendations, allocations, and reporting are a function of the Director Director and Fire/Rescue Commission assist departments with operational and capital financial planning User Fees EMS billing Special incident fees Business registration Outside funding resources
Operations Command Structure Emergency operations (fire) NFPA 1720-4.1.1 specifies a single incident command structure Emergency operations (fire) Per hazard classification need at least 13 at structure fires Must comply with 29CFR1910.134 ( 2in-2out) Establish a safety committee Establish an ERZ system
Operations Emergency operation (EMS) Develop time goals for BLS and ALS Better Record Keeping EMS policy and procedure development should be a function of Director and Fire/Rescue Commission One Operational Medical Director to serve all agencies Need system wide quality assurance program
Operations Station location ( based upon GIS) Current locations well placed with 2 gap areas Gap northeast of Lexington around I-81 Gap south of Lexington near I-81 Some concern for areas on west edge of county and southeastern edge of county
Operations Response time analysis (CY 2003) Call processing more than double NFPA recommendations Reflex time high Fire 8 minutes EMS 12+ minutes Travel Times EMS 9+ minutes
Operations Total Response Times Conclusions for response times Fire 16 minutes @ 90% EMS 20 minutes @ 90% Conclusions for response times All areas are above standards Some areas can be improved Some areas are a product of rural environment
Operations Mutual Aid agreements should be signed documents in Rockbridge area between emergency responders Swift water rescue is an essential function of emergency services and needs assistance to develop properly
Facilities, Apparatus,& Deployment Stations Need to establish a CIP for stations Stations are various states of repair from good to very poor Apparatus Director and Fire/Rescue Commission establish replacement policy Centralize repair and maintenance Develop a system wide gear and equipment program
Preventive and Support Services Training EMS training Provided by outside sources but travel is an issue Current low demand for classes enhances training problems Fire Training Coordinated by Fire Chiefs Assn but no coordination with departments Need to centralize this task and enhance program
Preventive and Support Services Dispatch 911 access is an issue( needs follow-up) CAD system is inadequate and needs enhancement First due and response orders should be approved by Director and Fire/rescue Commission Radio system should be evaluated by a professional firm Incorporate EMD into dispatching system
Preventive and Support Services Need a Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal Establish a fee schedule for permits Need a RMS for reporting An area risk assessment should be initiated Initiate “make the right call” program
Preventive and Support Services Need a NIMS compliance plan Establish a regional EOC that can function 24/7 Joint services agreement is needed to coordinate emergency management
Strategic Plan Integrated Fire/Rescue operations plan Create a fire/rescue services department Create a position of director of fire/rescue services Create a fire/rescue advisory commission Standardize operations area wide Establish performance benchmarks Develop a budget and finance system Begin an ongoing long range planning process
Strategic Plan
The Choice is Yours The Rockbridge Area is at a crossroads when it comes to deciding the future of the fire service. The choices are: You can continue with the status quo that consists of a system of individual “fiefdoms” where everyone works independent of the whole. This choice is the easiest and safest in that it creates no need for change which is always a difficult process to successfully enact. You can create a single fire/rescue department using the successes of other local municipalities in the nation as a guide. This choice will take a great deal of planning, commitment, and relationship-building between the elected officials and the independent volunteer fire/rescue departments that now protect the area. You can take pieces of the recommendations set forth and create a system that works best for the area and slowly build the future, or create your own system independent of any and all of the recommendations brought forth in this study. Whichever option is chosen, one thing is certain: the process will have its share of supporters and non-supporters who will have a great affect on the outcome of the decision. The leaders must always keep the mission of all fire/rescue services at the sharp point of this endeavor. That mission is simply to save lives and protect property, and to do what is right for Mrs. Smith.
Analysis of Fire/Rescue Emergency Services Questions and Discussion