Ecological Quest Game made by A. Mutlu, A. Afanasova and A. Pozhilykh in April 2015
CONTENTS slide 3 slide 4 slide 9 GAME slide 10 slide 32 slide 33
The scene is set in a forest in the zone of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant. The girl sees a flying squirrel, a rare species, included in the Red Data Book of Smolensk region.
Why are you crying, dear Squirrel? I’ve lost my home and my family.
How it happened? The tree which we lived in was cut down. I can’t find my babies.
Poor you! Actually, cutting down trees causes ecological problems. If we solve some of them together, you’ll meet your babies. What do I have to do?
You have to play an ecological quest game. Come with me. OK.
Poaching Deforestation! Littering! Air pollution Water pollution! Soil pollution! STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 To STEP 1
Air pollution ECOLOGY STEP 1
Read the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. The Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant gives effective/high/intensive /quick priority to the environment protection and uses ecologically safe technologies not to pollute the air. effectivehighintensivequick Read the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. The Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant gives effective/high/intensive /quick priority to the environment protection and uses ecologically safe technologies not to pollute the air. effectivehighintensivequick
The Moscow Times Water pollution STEP 2
Read the extract about the Desnogorsk water reservoir and click the correct word in the sentence. The water in the cooling pond of the Smolensk NPP is so clean that there is a very large population of enthusiasts/locals/participants/shrimps there. enthusiastslocalsparticipantsshrimps Read the extract about the Desnogorsk water reservoir and click the correct word in the sentence. The water in the cooling pond of the Smolensk NPP is so clean that there is a very large population of enthusiasts/locals/participants/shrimps there. enthusiastslocalsparticipantsshrimps
Read the article and click the correct word in the sentence. The 30-km zone around the Smolensk NPP is monitored and the modernization/operation/maintenance/radioactivity of soil is controlled on a daily basis. modernizationoperationmaintenanceradioactivity Read the article and click the correct word in the sentence. The 30-km zone around the Smolensk NPP is monitored and the modernization/operation/maintenance/radioactivity of soil is controlled on a daily basis. modernizationoperationmaintenanceradioactivity
Littering STEP 4
Read the extract from the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. The last year Cleaning Day in Desnogorsk was held/initiated/paid/took on the 27 th of April. heldinitiatedpaidtook Read the extract from the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. The last year Cleaning Day in Desnogorsk was held/initiated/paid/took on the 27 th of April. heldinitiatedpaidtook
Deforestation The two main causes of deforestation are Illegal logging and forest fires. STEP 5 Global
Read the extract from the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. Deforestation causes the disappearing of plant and animal forests/livelihoods/rainforests/species. forestslivelihoodsrainforestsspecies Read the extract from the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. Deforestation causes the disappearing of plant and animal forests/livelihoods/rainforests/species. forestslivelihoodsrainforestsspecies
Poaching STEP 6
Read the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. In Desnogorsk the boats/fish/nets/poachers are punished for illegal catching of rare and endangered species. boatsfishnetspoachers Read the web article and click the correct word in the sentence. In Desnogorsk the boats/fish/nets/poachers are punished for illegal catching of rare and endangered species. boatsfishnetspoachers
OOPS! The hungry squirrel babies are still waiting for their mum.
Well done! Get an acorn! To STEP 2 TO
Well done! Get an acorn! To STEP 3 TO IS
Well done! Get an acorn! To STEP 4 TO IS DESNOGORSK
Well done! Get an acorn! To STEP 5 TO IS DESNOGORSK VERY
Well done! Get an acorn! To STEP 6 TO IS DESNOGORSK VERY ECOLOGY
TO IS DESNOGORSK KIND VERY ECOLOGY ! ! To the end of the game To the end of the game STEP 7
To the conclusion Start Finish
You helped the girl and the squirrel to study the ecological status of Desnogorsk and made sure that Desnogorsk is kind and peaceful to ecology. To the references
1. Smolensk NPP, ECOLOGICAL MONITORING n/about/ecology/monitoring/ 2. Smolensk NPP, ECOLOGY n/about/ecology/ 3. Smolensk Region Authorities 4. Russian Planet, SMOLENSK krasnoknijnuyu-sterlyad html 5. The Moscow Times, Desnogorsk 6. WWF Global, DEFORESTATION