Let’s Review ABC order What’s the first letter of the alphabet? What’s the last letter? What’s a letter somewhere in the middle? Put these words in ABC order: nap call tell small nap call tell small
What letter makes this sound? voiced or unvoiced consonant or vowel? Review alphabet
Echo these words: snake sip Sally sit seven
Echo these words: is as has Rose What sound does “s” make this time?
“s” has two sounds Voiced and unvoiced When it is at the end (unvoiced) we code it with a special mark called a voice line. What are the 2 sounds?
Can you think of more “s” words? _______________
How do we write “Ss”?
Let’s practice! Magic wand S s S s
Can you make a word? t na c k s
S Letter Video phabet-videos/letter-s-video phabet-videos/letter-s-video phabet-videos/letter-s-video