Chicken Pox By: Ari & Jenn It feels like a fever. Or maybe a cold. When you look in the mirror and see spots you know it’s not a game of connect-the-dots. It’s Chicken Pox By: Ari & Jenn
Chicken Pox a.k.a Varicella Occurs primarily in children, although adults who are not immune can contract it. It is quite contagious and is spread by breathing in infected respiratory droplets or unprotected direct contact with the rash when it has ruptured. In person’s who have had chickenpox, the virus can cause shingles later in life.
Itchy and Scratchy The best known symptom of chickenpox is the itchy, red rash that breaks out on the face, scalp, chest, back, and sometimes arms and legs. The rash usually appears about 2 weeks after exposure to the virus and begins as superficial spots. The spots quickly fill with a clear fluid, rupture, and turn crusty. The scabs then fall off in a week or two. The rash continues to break out for the first 1 to 5 days, so spots at various stages of development may be present at the same time. Chickenpox seldom lasts for more than 2 weeks, from the appearance of the first rash to the disappearance of the last one. A secondary infection of the ruptured rash by bacteria may cause high fever and skin scarring.
So…What Do These Pox Look Like??
Are You Sure You Wanna Know? Positive??? Ok, You Asked For It!
Treatment Isolate the diseased until the rash crusts. Keep skin clean by frequent baths or, once the fever has subsided, showers. Cool, wet compresses or tepid water baths help to relieve itching. Complications are treated according to symptoms; Secondary bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics. Antihistamines may be used to help relieve the itching. Acyclovir is used for severe Varicella infections involving the lungs or the brain and in persons with a depressed immune system.
Prevention Children between 12 and 18 months should receive a dose of chickenpox vaccine, Varicella-zoster immune globulin. Now, more than 20 states have passed legislation requiring the chickenpox vaccine for child care and school entry. Healthy children older than 13, and adults who have no history of chickenpox and have never been immunized against the disease, should also consider receiving the vaccine.
Autosomal Issue If a pregnant woman contracts chickenpox during the first or second trimester, there is a small risk that her child will be born with a congenital malformation. When a pregnant woman contracts the disease within 5 days of delivery, there is a high risk of the newborn having serious disease.
Common Medication PrameGel and Polysoporin may be used to rub on pox to help decrease the itchiness. Benedryl is used to control fever and cold-like symptons while Aveeno bath treatment also helps alleviate that nasty, unbearable itch.