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Essential Question What are human rights issues that concern people today?
Who protected human rights? The protection of human rights is very important… …conflicts often create dangerous situations all over the world Organizations, like the UNITED NATIONS (UN) closely monitor human rights abuses
Why did human rights need protected? Many governments threaten human rights by: ∆ Imprisoning critics of the government ∆ Supporting terrorists ∆ Refusing to follow international law The goal of organizations like the UN is ensure that ALL governments honor the rights and liberties of their citizens
Who led the movement for protection? Dec. 10, 1948 – UN adopts the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS This was a vision for what the world should be like ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Former First Lady Chairperson Commission of Human Rights
Where did this declaration come from? The key ideas of the sound very similar to the US Bill of Rights
What ideas made up this declaration? All humans are born free and equal Key Idea #1
Everyone has life, liberty, and security Key Idea #2 What ideas made up this declaration?
No one shall be held in slavery Key Idea #3 What ideas made up this declaration?
No cruel punishment will be allowed Key Idea #4 What ideas made up this declaration?
Everyone has freedom of: Thought Religion Speech Expression Key Idea #5 What ideas made up this declaration?
Everyone has the right to participate in their government Key Idea #6 What ideas made up this declaration?
What is ethnic cleansing? Crimes against civilians remains an ongoing problem… Many ongoing problems today arise from opposing ethnic groups One such example of ETHNIC CLEANSING occurred after the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s Attempting to remove an entire ethnic group from an area
Who was Slobodan Milosevic? SLOBODAN MILSOEVIC President of Serbia ( ) President of Yugoslavia ( ) Wanted to reunite Yugoslavia Helped Serbs remove Croats and Muslims from Bosnia Helped Serbs remove Albanian Muslims from Kosovo
How did the world react to Milosevic? The United States and NATO intervened in Yugoslavia… 2000 – Milosevic overthrown a democratic government replaces him… Milosevic was set to stand trial for his crimes – but died in prison first
Where else has genocide occurred? Similar examples of ETHNIC CLEANSING have occurred in other these places: Also known as GENOCIDE ٭ Rwanda ٭ Somalia ٭ Sudan ٭ Iraq In each of these cases, outside groups have attempted to help stop the violence
What is a refugee? Wars and other hardships have displaced many people around the world Violence Natural disasters Diseases Persecution Reasons why people have been forced to flee their homes These people are seeking the most basic things: food, shelter, and safety
How was the world responded to refugees? The United Nations (UN) has agreed to provide ASYLUM to many refugees Safety in a different place Unfortunately, many have to stay in overcrowded and unhealthy refugee camps until organization and nations have the chance to help them
How was AIDS affected the world? Despite progress in fighting disease… …new and old diseases continue to threaten the world One of the most serious is AIDS – It has affected every continent
What area has been affected the most by AIDS? As of 2005, 40 million people are living with HIV or AIDS In some seriously affected parts of Africa… the average life expectancy has dropped from 59 years to 45 years! 80% of all children with HIV/AIDS live in southern Africa
How was the world reacted to AIDS? Many nations and organizations such as: World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations (UN) … are trying to fight this disease through education
How are nuclear weapons a problem? Even though the Cold War is over, NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION still continues around the world the buildup of nuclear weapons The buildup of nuclear weapons increases the likelihood of World War III someday…..
Essential Question What are human rights issues that concern people today?
Human Rights Issues