Online Game JAVA for PDA WAP for Mobile Phone
Java for PDA Hardware limit - Java API Power Memory JDK 2M byte. Connectivity Display size
Architecture of the Game
Online Go Game There are some online Go games that provide functions of Go match via the Internet for online users. They run on the combination of any web browser and any personal computer. They and other conventional online Go games cannot run on the PDA.
Architecture Go Server Go Client for PC Go Client for PDA
Technical Features Go Server sends messages to the clients at the same time. Go Client for PDA ’ s GUI was designed for small display devices.
Communications among Server and Clients
Online Game Technologies
Game Technologies
Wireless Online Game Technologies
The Wireless Application Protocol WAP is designed to work with most wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, ReFLEX, iDEN, TETRA, DECT, DataTAC, Mobitex, etc.
WAP Game Foundation Classes
The CYC Platform CYC client : The clients are Java applets loaded by Web browsers. Game server : A player must login from a game Web site. Database server : The database server stores players ’ personal data and settings of game lobbies.
The Constraints of Wireless Games
The WGDP Architecture
Authentication Messages Authenticate the player Register a WAP client agent
Game Messages
The GUI design of the Connect-4 game