2460 Sweet Gum / Chuck & Carol Clouser’s Home The volume of water is too much for the gutter. It is recommended that a separate leader be installed to move the water away from the house. The water is backing up against the house and running down along the foundation.
2504 Pin Oak Drive – A retaining wall was installed however when the heavy rain came down the water ran towards the retaining wall and onto the patio. This occurs only during heavy volume. This picture was taken after the heavy volume. It does not display exactly what was happening during the heavy rain.
The water moved swiftly downhill on Pin Oak Drive towards the catch basin. You could see the water running in the direction of the catch basin. It is strongly recommended that we do NOT block these catch basins with leaves, snow or anything else that would create an obstruction.
2425 Winterberry – The water was running down from higher elevation to the overflow parking area. The water collects at the end of the parking area and runs over the top of the border and channels directly in the path of the house. The water ran along the foundation and exited onto the patio. The patio is bordered with a stone which captures the water and reduces the drainage. It is recommended to install a drain port at the opening of the patio. It is recommended to install a low retaining wall along the overflow parking area. It may be necessary to install a drain port to move the water away from the house.
548 Buck Thorn – Very Interesting ! The water is channeling down from 544 along the landscaping and running down in front of the house. To make matters worse the downspout is running down into the flower beds and discharging onto the patio. The water is washing the mulch in the direction of the front door. Solution: Channel an escape route between the yellow lines.
Proper Drainage Management 2425 Alder Way – Before the heavy rain we made sure that our drains were open and not blocked by over grown grass. We do not want to have any type of restriction. The garbage bags are placed away from the edge of the grass not to disrupt the flow of water. The flow of water is moving directly downhill toward the catch basin. The catch basin is free of any obstructions.
Play the Movie Clip. You will notice that the water is moving directly into the catch basin, excellent drainage. However, if you look at the drainage hose above the catch basin you will not see any water coming out. We may have an obstruction or something else causing this problem. CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO VIEW THE CLIP
Click on the photo to run the movie clip. This clip demonstrates excellent movement of water.
Click on photo to view the Movie Clip
2425 Winterberry - Click on the photo to view the Movie Clip.