Welcome to ANR at Noon November 22, 2013 Crop Market Outlook and the Farm Bill Chad Hart
U.S. Corn Supply and Use Area Planted(mil. acres) Yield(bu./acre) Production(mil. bu.)13,09212,44712,36010,78013,989 Beg. Stocks(mil. bu.)1,6731,7081, Imports(mil. bu.) Total Supply(mil. bu.)14,77414,18213,51711,93214,837 Feed & Residual(mil. bu.)5,1254,7954,5574,3335,200 Ethanol(mil. bu.)4,5915,0195,0004,6484,900 Food, Seed, & Other(mil. bu.)1,3701,4071,4281,3961,450 Exports(mil. bu.)1,9801,8341, ,400 Total Use(mil. bu.)13,06613,05512,52811,10812,950 Ending Stocks(mil. bu.)1,7081, ,887 Season-Average Price($/bu.) Source: USDA-WAOB
U.S. Soybean Supply and Use Area Planted(mil. acres) Yield(bu./acre) Production(mil. bu.)3,3593,3293,0943,0343,258 Beg. Stocks(mil. bu.) Imports(mil. bu.) Total Supply(mil. bu.)3,5123,4953,3253,2393,413 Crush(mil. bu.)1,7521,6481,7031,6891,685 Seed & Residual(mil. bu.) Exports(mil. bu.)1,4991,5011,3651,3201,450 Total Use(mil. bu.)3,3613,2803,1553,0983,243 Ending Stocks(mil. bu.) Season-Average Price($/bu.) Source: USDA-WAOB
Projected Corn Yields Source: USDA-NASS Top: 2013 Projected Yield Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels/acre
Projected Soybean Yields Source: USDA-NASS Top: 2013 Projected Yield Bottom: Change from last month Units: Bushels/acre
U.S. Meat Production & Prices Source: USDA-WAOB
Corn Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS
Soy Export Shifts Source: USDA-FAS
Corn Grind for Ethanol
Current Corn Futures Source: CME Group, 11/15/
Current Soybean Futures Source: CME Group, 11/15/
Thoughts for 2014 and Beyond Supply/demand concerns Corn demand rebounding? Yes, so far, so good Acreage allocation for 2014: Where do the extra corn acres go? Markets favoring soybeans in the short term and corn longer term 2012/13 USDA 2013/14 USDA 2013/14 Futures (11/15/13) Corn$6.89$4.50$4.07 Soybeans$14.40$12.15$12.14
Farm Bill Titles I. CommoditiesIX. Energy II. ConservationX. Hort. & Organic Ag. III. TradeXI. Livestock IV. NutritionXII. Crop Insurance V. CreditXIII. Commodity Futures VI. Rural DevelopmentXIV. Miscellaneous VII. ResearchXV. Trade & Taxes VIII. Forestry
Ideas on the Next Farm Bill Let’s look at the common features from the House and Senate bills Both versions of the farm bill eliminate direct payments, countercyclical payments, ACRE, and SURE The marketing loan program would continue Livestock disaster programs would be reestablished
Reference Prices Senate: 55% of 5-yr Olympic average MYA price House: Set by law Corn$3.70 Wheat$5.50 Soybean$8.40 Corn$2.95 Wheat$3.62 Soybean$6.29
ARC or RLC instead of ACRE Revenue-based support program Revenues based on 5-year Olympic averages for yields and prices Yields and prices have cups (T-yields and reference prices)
AMP or PLC instead of CCP Price-based support program Reference prices establish targets Works like CCP Payment rate = Max(0, Reference price – Max(MYA price, Loan rate))
Dairy Dairy Producer Margin Protection Program Voluntary margin coverage, with the opportunity for supplemental coverage Dairy Market Stabilization Program Managed supplies when margins fall
SCO Examples from Last Year’s Bills Source: Congressional Research Service
Thank you for joining us today We invite your feedback and suggestions for future Noon webinars: John Lawrence – Chris Mondak- Next date: Dec 13, 2013 Windbreak Management Jesse Randall ISUEO Forestry Extension Natural Resource Ecology and Management