Human Capital Management Assessment Joe Burt Director, HRM March 31, 2004
Goal Develop a diverse, capable, motivated staff that operates with efficiency and integrity.
March 31, 2004 NSF Employees
March 31, 2004 Employee Comparative Data NSF: Total Employees PermanentIPATemporaryIntermittentVSEE Education: % Bachelor’s Degree or higher 64%61%Not tracked by NSF 66%95%100% Supervisor: % Supervisor17%21%12%7%0% Gender: % Female59%64%34%59%35%38% PATCO: % Professional / Administrative78%77%100%62%98%100% RNO: % Minority39%42%24%44%13%24% Pay Group: % in Groups 4 and 5 (> $78,265) 52%44%92%34%98%100% Disability: % Target Disability1% 0%3% Age: % > 46 years56%59%Not tracked by NSF 28%95%65% Years of Federal Service: % > 11 yearsNot applicable 70%Not applicable Years of NSF Service: % < 5 years52%38%100%75%89%62% Program Category: % Science and Engineering 45%32%100%49% (1) 100% Occ Series: # Distinct Occ Series NSF Position Titles: # Distinct NSF titles
March 31, 2004 Human Capital Management Plan (HCMP) The HCMP provides a “roadmap” of actions to improve over the next 5 years. People remain our greatest asset, and recruiting, retaining, and developing them is critical to organizational success. Use the established HCMP framework to assess the Human Capital Management component of Organizational Excellence.
March 31, 2004 HCMP Development Input by team of representative staff. Analysis of GPRA and A&M Strategic Goals. Focus on ensuring NSF’s ability to achieve its strategic goals through core business processes. Assessment of internal and external impacts, trends, and opportunities.
March 31, 2004 Identified Human Capital Goals Human Capital Management Roles & Responsibilities Integration of Human Capital Strategy with Organizational Strategy Strategic Workforce Planning Recruitment and Retaining
March 31, 2004 Human Capital Goals (continued) Educating and Developing Motivating – Performance Management Motivating – Organizational Culture Transitioning
March 31, 2004 Human Capital Management Plan (HCMP) for Implementation The HCMP Documents NSF’s human capital goals and action strategies. It is flexible to accommodate change. Process ensures continuing alignment with NSF mission, vision, strategic plan, annual performance plans, business process improvements, and technological advances. Our HCMP is aligned with and seeks to support the President’s Management Agenda in Human Capital.
March 31, 2004 Organizational Alignment The HCMP is aligned with organizational strategy. Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) was appointed. CHCO positioned to represent Human Capital needs to NSF senior management.
March 31, 2004 HCMP Accountability Project Plan is developed as a framework and shared with senior management. Includes timelines for Action Items. NSF Regularly assesses progress and revises action plans as appropriate. Progress is reported.
March 31, 2004 Move to Competency Based System Development of Competency Model for for all key occupations. Use identified competencies in position descriptions, vacancy announcements and performance plans. Use results of competency gap analysis in recruitment process.
March 31, 2004 Outreach Activities to Support Diversity Hire Senior Advisor for Science and Engineering (S&E) workforce. Hire Marketing and Outreach Coordinators for HRM. Increase involvement in Association and College/University Job Fairs. Implement FY04 recruitment action goals in the HCMP.
March 31, 2004 Academy Initiatives Expand blended learning portfolio. Expand NSF Enterprise Orientation. Expand career development activities. Implement educating and developing action goals in HCMP. Acquisition of a Learning Management System.
March 31, 2004 Summary The HCMP was developed to be aligned with agency and PMA goals. It has an accountability framework established. Continue use of this framework.