Ukraine Orphanage By: Megan Swinney 7 th grade Table of Contents
One of our teachers here at Arp Jr. High goes to a Ukraine orphanage. He has adopted kids there. We are going to ask him some questions today about his orphanage.
Question #4 Why are most kids there? Most children are there because there parents can not take care of them. They cant afford to pay for all the needs. Some of them very few are there because their parent’s have been taken away. Some kids parents are in prison. Some of the parents have died and other family members can’t afford to take care of them. Back to table of contents
Question #1Question #1 - Where is the orphanage? Question #2Question #2 - How do you choose? Question # 3Question # 3 - Caregivers Question #4Question #4 - Why are the children there? Question #5Question #5 - What items do the children need most? Question #6Question #6 - Babies/Older kids Question #7Question #7 – Siblings/Only child For more information Our Teacher – Mr. Coughlin
Question # 1 Our first question Is What is the name of the orphanage you go to? Our teacher goes to the zergins Internot Back to table of contents
Question #2 How do you choose the kids that you would like to adopt? You tell the county what age group or range you want. Your not assured you will get that age group. What you do is go in to a small room and they give you pictures of children. You choose the kids you want and they take you to visit them. Back to table of contents
Question #3 How many care givers work at your orphanage? Usually there are between 12 to 15 care givers. Only 6 or 7 work at the same time. They trade sifts so the kids are never alone. Back to table of contents
Question #5 What type items are needed most??? What they need the most is people to come visit them but physically the need clothes, shoes, coats, tooth paste, deodorant, underwear, socks all the essential things that we would not thank of. Back to table of contents
Question #6 On average how more are there 0-5 or 5-18? Most are as u get older its harder to get adopted because everyone wants little baby’s. so people hardly adopt older kids. Back to table of contents
Question #7 Is there more siblings or only children?? There is half and half. Most that have siblings only have one or two. There has been groups of 7 or 8 brothers and sisters in one orphanage. Back to table of contents
For more information about other orphanages, visit these web sites. A Childs Hope Orphanage International Adoption My information and pictures came from Mr. Shawn Coughlin BACK