University in the Networks: Priorities and Choices Rimantas Vaitkus, Vice-rector for International Affairs, Vilnius University
International profile of Vilnius University Member of EUA, IAU Signatory of Magna Carta Bilateral Agreements – 108 Erasmus Agreements – 606 with 337 universities Educational programmes: Erasmus (including mobility of students for practice), Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window; ISEP Networks: 12 Thematic networks under ERASMUS UTRECHT; MAUI, AEN; BSRUN CREPUQ UNICA BUP Ranking by QS – among 600 best universities of the world
Destination of outgoing students from Vilnius University, 2010/2011
Incoming Erasmus students per country* (2010/2011) *countries sending 1-2 student are not listed
Number of International students fall 2011
Incoming students per country fall 2011
Students from Europe
Students from other countries Australia - 1 Azerbaijan – 5 Bhutan – 1 Brasil – 1 Cambodia – 1 Cameroon - 1 Canada – 1 Chile – 1 China – 4 Congo - 1 Egypt – 5 Eritrea – 1 Ethiopia – 1 India – 1 Indonesia – 1 Irak – 1 Iran – 1 Israel - 1 Japan – 2 Kazakhstan – 5 Korea -13 Kyrgyzstan - 3 Lebanon – 2 Mianmar – 1 Nepal – 3 Pakistan - 4 Philipines – 2 Singapore - 1 Syria – 1 Taiwan – 1 Tajikistan - 1 Uganda - 1 USA – 5 Uzbekistan – 1 Vietnam - 1
Vilnius University in Networks (Europe) European University Association (EUA): –47 countries, 850 members; European Association for International Education (EAIE): –2300 individual members Utrecht Network: –29 countries, 31 university; UNICA Network: –32 countries, 43 universities European Union Universities of Small States Association (EU²S²) European Higher Education Society (EAIR) –More than 500 individual members from 50 countries
Vilnius University in Networks (Overseas) International Association of Universities (IAU): –123 countries, 604 institutions, Australian/European Network: –31 European university, 7 Australian universities MAUI Utrecht Network Exchange: –Utrecht Network partner with 15 USA universities CREPUQ Network: –Partner with Universities of Quebec (Canada) International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP): –50 countries, more than 300 universities
Vilnius University in Networks (Baltic Sea Region) Baltic University Programme (BUP) –14 countries, 220 universities Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) –7 countries, 39 universities
Profile of networks Policy, new ideas, lobby to politicians: –EUA, IAU Student exchange: –ISEP, EAIE Joint curricula, courses, study camps: –BUP, Unica, Utrecht Conferences and seminars for staff members: –EAIR, BSRUN
Activities of EUA Representing universities: –EC, OECD, Council of Europe, UNESCO Providing expertise on European Higher Education and Research –Focus groups, thematic networks, –Questionnaires to institutions, –Site visits Strengthening the governance, leadership and management of institutions: –Institutional Evaluation Programme, –Workshops and seminars
Report of EUA on autonomy of universities ope_II_-_The_Scorecard.sflb.ashx
EUIMA Project 5th Workshop on Collaborative Research Assessing University-based Collaborative Research Hosted by the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 5-6 December 2011 EUIMA Full Costing Country Workshop: Germany Implementing Full Costing at German Universities Hosted by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), Germany 9 December 2011 Assessing University-based Collaborative Research Implementing Full Costing at German Universities Fifth EUA-CDE Workshop Supporting Individual Paths of Doctoral Candidates: Experience, Skills and Guidance Hosted by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland January 2012 Supporting Individual Paths of Doctoral Candidates: Experience, Skills and Guidance MAP-ESG Launch Conference Mapping the implementation and application of the ESG in the EHEA Launch Conference Hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark 17 January 2012 Mapping the implementation and application of the ESG in the EHEA Launch Conference EUIMA Full Costing Study Visit: Ireland Implementing Full Costing to Support the Financial Sustainability of European Universities Hosted by the Trinity College Dublin, Ireland January 2012 Implementing Full Costing to Support the Financial Sustainability of European Universities DOC-CAREERS II Project Promoting Collaborative Doctoral Education for Enhanced Career Opportunities Hosted at The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts, Belgium January 2012 Promoting Collaborative Doctoral Education for Enhanced Career Opportunities Upcoming Events EUA
Universities that have had IEP in Lithuania Vilnius University (2004, 2011 follow-up) Vytautas Magnus University (2005) Mykolas Romeris University (2007) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (2008)
BUP map Baltic University Programme’s NetworkBaltic University Programme’s Network Locations where one or more universities participateLocations where one or more universities participate
Activities of BUP Student conferences; Student courses & seminars: –9500 students yearly Teacher training, conferences & seminars –1500 teachers contributed Lead & participate in projects; Organisational meetings: –Board Meetings/Executive Committee –Centre Director Meetings –Rectors conference (2006, 2009, 2011)
Student Summer Sailing & Courses
Vision and mission of ISEP ISEP Vision –ISEP will be recognized for setting the standard for worldwide cooperation in international education. ISEP Mission –ISEP promotes academic and cross-cultural learning through its worldwide network of higher education institutions. ISEP facilitates academic mobility through innovative and affordable programs to achieve authentic global learning. ISEP enhances institutional infrastructures and fosters campus internationalization.
The benefit from beeing in networks International partnership – learning from the best practise; Improvement of the quality of studies and research at university; Implementation new ideas in management of university; Better opportunities for student and staff mobility; Attraction of students from non-EU countries (fee based); Tool for advocacy for decision-makers; Report to the community on performance.
Thank you for your attention! Be more international!