HIAD NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE HYSAFE - Safety of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier Work Package 5 Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database - HIAD Espen Funnemark, DNV (N) HySafe - WP 5 Leader Prepared for the 2nd General H2 Bus Meeting in Porto, November 2004
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 2 Contents Objectives and purposes WP 5 organisation Scope of Work Preliminary structure and IT-solution Challenges
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 3 Main objectives and purposes Contribute to the integration of experience and knowledge on hydrogen safety in Europe Contribute to the progress in common understanding of hydrogen safety and risk Source for understanding hydrogen accident phenomena and scenarios and hazard potential A harmonised tool for safety and risk assessment Keep the industry updated with recent accidents/incidents involving the production, handling and use of hydrogen Serve as a common methodology and format for hydrogen accident/incident data collection and storage Encourage and facilitate industry partners to share experience and data The overall objective for the first phase of HIAD development is to reach an agreed specification and definition of the database content and structure.
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 4 WP 5 partners DNV JRC L’Air Liquide (F) HSE/HSL (UK) INERIS (F) Norsk Hydro (N) TNO (NL) Volvo (S)
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 5 WP 5 Interaction with other WPs WP3. (UPM) SBEP WP5. (DNV) HIA Database WP6. (FZK) Principal CFD Exercises and Guidelines WP7 (Risoe) Mapping Priorities and Assessment WP17. (FZK) Overall Management WP8. (NSCRD) H2 release, mixing and distribution WP9. (HSE/HSL) Hydrogen ignition and jet fires WP10. (FZK) Hydrogen explosions WP11. (GexCon) Mitigation WP12. (DNV) Risk assessment methodologies Integrating activities WP1. (INERIS) Biennial Report on H2 Safety WP13. (FZK) Web Site WP14. (UNIPI) Conference on Hydrogen Safety WP15. (UU) e-Academy WP16. (INERIS) Standards, Legal Requirement s WP2. (FZJ) IEF WP4. (CEA) Scenario and Phenomena Ranking Joint Research Programme Requirements / inputsSupportive contribution Spreading of excellence activities
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 6 Scope of Work Develop a common methodology and format for data collection Make arrangements for handling and assuring data confidentiality Define the Inclusion criteria, i.e. what type of events should be recorded in the database Survey user needs and requirements Screen relevant existing databases and reporting regimes Define HIAD operational and maintenance routines Establish database structure Define and specify database IT-solution Clarify database availability and accessibility Perform a trial data collection for validation of the database structure Deliver a report on HIAD specification, structure, definitions and operation (Deliverable no. 22); deadline 01/05/04
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 7 Dataflow transport & distribution Refueling stations hydrogen generation storage vehicles stationary applications (domestic, industry, public services) portable applications Hydrogen technology Controlled lab-conditions Controlled experimental field-conditions public field-conditions Nature of HIAD data 1 2 n-1 n … Stakeholder Stakeholders’ interpretation HIAD …English!
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 8 HIAD Infrastructure/Interface Web-server client HTML Graphical User Interface (GUI) Hydrogen Incident and Accident Data Structured Hydrogen Incident and Accident Data HIAD
Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 9 HIAD – Database structure HIAD Administration & Risk “environment” Where (application, environment,…) Technical specification of the event Equipment spec, location,…. Hazardous Event Specification What happened and why Hazardous Event Consequences Specification Fatalities, injuries, property damage, …
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 10 HIAD – Challenges (I) HIAD Bus manufacturers Bus operating companies H2 refuelling station operators Data collection Accessibility Application and use Data collection Accessibility Application and use
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 11 HIAD – Challenges (II) HIAD & HOW? AIM: LONG LASTING DATABASE!!
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 12 HIAD – Challenges (III) HIAD Accessibility Costs and Funding Data Collection, Operation, Maintenance
HIAD Porto Nov 2004 Espen Funnemark HySafe WP5 – HIAD; Slide 13 HIAD – Future (2005->) HIAD Development of a fully operable web-based HIAD database application, based on the basic specification Populating HIAD with relevant past events from own or other qualified data sources (all HySafe WP partners) Populating HIAD with new events on a continuous basis Draft proposal: