Dr. Robin Kay UOIT – Oshawa, Canada
Started in Students Laptop based university Masters - Virtual
How many You Tube videos did you look at yesterday?You Tube videos
Nov ,000,000,000 visits per day Nov ,000,000,000 visits per day May ,000,000,000 visits per day May ,000,000,000 visits per day April 23, Me at the ZooMe at the Zoo Jan ,000,000,000 visits per day Jan ,000,000,000 visits per day
Video Clips Classroom
2 -10 minutes Video Controls Web-Based
Jing Smooth Draw $ $30-$40 Free
1.Create outline for script 2.Start Jing 3.Drag over area you want to record 4.Put on Headphones + Microphone 5.Click “Capture Video” icon 6.Record & Pause 7.Stop 8.Type in name of clip 9.Click “Share” icon and wait a bit 10.Paste Web Address
1. Create a clip
Work in Teams (for support) Create a practice clip and upload Create a second clip on how to divide fractions Post address of your clip on todaysmeet.com/VideoPodcasts todaysmeet.com/VideoPodcasts
What is a good quality clip?
Watch Clip 1 UOIT - Surface Area (4:47)Surface Area Watch Clip 2 Cruz - Surface Area (3:52)Surface Area Watch Clip 3 Surface Area (5:22) Surface Area
Go to kayuoitpres.wikispaces.com/kayuoitpres.wikispaces.com/ Then click on Quality of Clips
Conversational style (imagine one on one) Connect with the listener (humour / passion) Short and sweet (less than 5 min) Try not to be perfect Snagit ($30)
What would you like to make a clip about? What format do you want to use? Write a brief script Practice Post at todaysmeet.com/VideoPodcasts only if you liketodaysmeet.com/VideoPodcasts
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HOSTS Screencast Screencast 2 GB free $99 per year (25G) YouTube Free Need SnagIt ($30) ORGANIZATION Create a WikiWiki Create a Webpage in Weebly Weebly
Classroom AdministrationInstructionAssignmentsFeedback
Just-in-time podcasts to explain Assignments Homework How to use tools
Instructions for AssignmentsAssignments Using Software (Desmos)Desmos Homework Instructions Homework
“Video instructions really help clear up the gray areas of the assignment and they provide good examples.” “It's really good that I have the ability to review the expectations of an assignment multiple times and coming directly from my instructor”
“For many of us, the type of work we are doing is new, and simple written instructions may not be sufficient to understand the technical aspect of what we have to do.” “I can refer back to them over and over instead of bugging my professor”
Classroom AdministrationInstructionAssignmentsFeedback
Big Picture Overview Explanation of Concepts Worked Examples Flipped Classroom
Big Picture Overview Big Picture Overview Explanation of Concepts Worked Examples (Create Your Own)Create Your Own Flipped Classroom (Collections + TEDEd)Collections TEDEd Student – Selection & Wiki Review Student select best explanations in teams Student create wiki review of unit/year
Collections mathtechtoolsuoit.wikispaces.com/Podcasts mathtechtoolsuoit.wikispaces.com/Podcasts Worked Examples (Evaluating Functions) tinyurl.com/evc-inst3tinyurl.com/evc-inst3 Concepts (Reliability & Validity) tinyurl.com/evc-inst5tinyurl.com/evc-inst5
Kay, R. H., & Kletskin, I. (2010). Evaluating the use of learning objects for improving calculus readiness. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 29(1), Brief summary … 87% of students felt clips were useful Clear, easy to follow, well explained, useful visual supports Liked going at their own pace Significant correlations between use of clips and changes in knowledge
Classroom AdministrationInstructionAssignmentsFeedback
Student created videos Explanations of how to do certain math problems Post answers on a Wiki / Web Page
Create explanation of math problem Individual In teams Real world math examples Give feedback to peers about solutions (post on Wiki)
Distance Education AdministrationInstructionAssignmentsFeedback
Guidance (formative feedback) Individual or team Assignments & Tests (summative feedback) Individual Challenging questions on tests
Kay, R. H. & Petrarca, D. (2009) Exploring the Impact of Video Feedback in Online Courses, The Fifteenth Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning, Orlando, Florida.
ItemWrittenVideo Clarity of feedback * Level of detail in feedback * Paying attention to feedback * Feedback helped me learn * Feedback helped me understand * Feedback was more personal * Agreement with Feedback * Liked getting feedback * * p <.001
Personal “It feels more personal – I really enjoyed it” Tone “There were subtleties in tone and expression that would not have been otherwise understood” Quantity “I just felt that I was provided with a lot more feedback than would be provided with written feedback” Quality “Video feedback does provide enhanced feedback on assignments and allows the student to visually see where they lost marks on assignments.”
Video Clips Classroom
Dr. Robin Kay Associate Professor