European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 1 CECAPI Introduction
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 2 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers CECAPI European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Members are the major manufacturer‘s associations of Europemajor manufacturer‘s associations Tasks of CECAPI: -Encouraging and developing good relations between members -Facilitating exchanges of information between member associations on technical and commercial matters of common interest -Arranging meetings between members to consider their views and to seek common positions -Representing the views of the European CECAPI Industry to all relevant European and International bodies. Especially the European Commission and other important European Institutions
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 3 The following products fall within the scope of CECAPI: Components for electrical installations/appliances (e.g. Plugs, Sockets, Boxes, Switches, Fuses; etc.) Cable management systems; Circuit breakers, residual current devices, arc fault detecting devices for domestic and commercial use. Home and Building Electronic Systems Products; Intercom and Videointercom;
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 4 Organisation The organisation of CECAPI consists of: The Presidents' Conference A General Secretariat Working Groups and specific Task Forces will be set up by Presidents’ Conference or the President, if and when appropriate. They will work within a framework defined by the Presidents' Conference.
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 5 Key current and future activities Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Conformity Assessment, Cooperation with Certification Bodies Fight against dangerous products and counterfeits Contributing to market suveillance in the European countries Contacts to EU as an umbrella for national actions Best practice sharing and information exchange within the associations New Challenges and Opportunities for Electrical Installation Smart Meters Smart Homes – Communication, Ambient Assisted Living, Security, etc. Smart Grids Connecting Electric Vehicles to the fixed installation Energy Efficiency, Carbon and Energy Saving Connection of new technologies to the fixed installation: -Photo Voltaic -Heat Pumps -Fuel Cells -New Loads like Electronic Ballast, LED-light etc. Renovation and regular inspection of electrical installation
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 6 Structure President Georg Luber (ZVEI) President‘s Meeting National Delegation of all Member Associations Secretary Terry. Rowbury (BEAMA) Working Groups: Conformity Assessment & Market Surveillance Cord Extension Sets Dimmers Plugs & Sockets Projects: Market Surveillance Renovation Smart Homes
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 7 Issue owners / responsibilities For each new issue, an issue owner will be appointed by the Presidents Conference to represent CECAPI. The issue owner is responsible for: -Coordinating the activity as well as the relevant CECAPI WG where required. -Participating in the related fora identified by the Presidents Conference, defending the positions agreed by the WG -Circulating the agenda and related documents to the WG in due time before the meetings he/she attends representing CECAPI. The agenda will be circulated with proposals for the position to be defended for each agenda item, for agreement within the WG. -Producing reports of all meetings attended representing CECAPI, highlighting the main decisions and circulating them to the WG within two weeks after the meeting. -Submitting written reports to the Presidents Conference and reporting verbally on the relevant matters. These tasks may be delegated to a representative, but in any case the issue owner is responsible for watching over the observance of the above rules before the Presidents Conference. The issue owners will be coordinated by the General Secretaryissue owners
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 8 Thank you for your attention
European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation Page 9 Member Associations AUSTRIA: FEEI - Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie Österreichs BELGIUM: AGORIA - La fédération de l'industrie technologique De federatie van de technologische industrie FRANCE: IGNES - Industries Du GeniesNumerique, Energetique et Securitaire GERMANY: ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. ITALY: ANIE - Federazione Nazionale Industrie Elettrotecniche ed Elettroniche PORTUGAL: ANIMEE - Associacao Portuguesa Das Empresas Do Sector Electrico e Electronico SPAIN: AFME - Asociación de Fabricantes de Material Eléctrico SWITZERLAND: IGEIM - Industriegemeinschaft Elektro-Installations Material UNITED KINGDOM: BEAMA - British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association Ltd