Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna Final Project Presentation Presented by: Mike Bly, Josh Rohman Advisor: Dr. Prasad N. Shastry
Why Reconfigurable Antennas? Practical Applications?
Presentation Outline Design Specifications MEMS Switch Implementation Linear Patch Antenna Design Antenna Simulations Inset Feed Matching Network
Design Specifications Microstrip patch antenna (Rogers RO3010) 2 GPS application frequencies 24 MHz Bandwidth 1.575 GHz Center Frequency (Patch 1) 1.227 GHz Center Frequency (Patch 2) Linear Polarization Inset Feed matching network Matched to 50Ω MEMS preferred for switching method
System Block Diagram
Switching Method MEMS Switch RMSW201, RADANT MEMS 0.3dB Insertion Loss @ 2GHz 35dB Isolation Loss @ 2GHz 1.9mm x 1.85mm package size SPST, DC to 20GHz, Wire Bonding, +/- 90V Gate-Source Voltage
RMSW201 MEMS Operation +/- 90 VGS Actuation Voltage
RMSW201 MEMS Operation +/- 90 VGS Actuation Voltage
Implementing MEMS RS = RD = 100kΩ Stability Minimize Hot-Switching
Switching Method
Switching Method DC-DC Converter: +5V to -90V R2/R1 = Vout/Vref R2 = Vout/10uA +5VDC The p-channel MOSFET Q1 switches on and off, controlling the output voltage (-90V). When the voltage across L1 exceeds 210mV, an internal voltage comparator indirectly measures the current passing through the MOSFET. This shuts off the MOSFET, discharges the inductor L1, and charges the Capacitor C4 -90VDC
Switching Method DC-DC Converter: +5V to -90V +5VDC -90VDC
Switching Method DC-DC Converter: +5V to -90V +5VDC -90VDC
Switching Method DC-DC Converter: +5V to -90V +5VDC -90VDC
DC-DC Converter Timing Timing in us
Implementing MEMS Conductive epoxy, double-stick thermal tape Wire bonding, gold plating
MEMS Evaluation Board RO3010 25 mil Substrate 1.5” by 6” Gold Plating Required 8 Coax Connectors 1.6x0.8mm SMT Resistors Test DC-DC Converter Measure Isolation and Insertion Losses
MEMS Evaluation Board RO3010 25 mil Substrate 1.5” by 6” Gold Plating Required 8 Coax Connectors 1.6x0.8mm SMT Resistors Test DC-DC Converter Measure Isolation and Insertion Losses
MEMS Evaluation Board RO3010 25 mil Substrate 1.5” by 6” Gold Plating Required 8 Coax Connectors 1.6x0.8mm SMT Resistors Test DC-DC Converter Measure Isolation and Insertion Losses Determine effects of MEMS’ ground plane
MEMS Evaluation Board RO3010 25 mil Substrate 1.5” by 6” Gold Plating Required 8 Coax Connectors 1.6x0.8mm SMT Resistors Test DC-DC Converter Measure Isolation and Insertion Losses
MEMS Evaluation Board RO3010 25 mil Substrate 1.5” by 6” Gold Plating Required 8 Coax Connectors 1.6x0.8mm SMT Resistors Test DC-DC Converter Measure Isolation and Insertion Losses
Micro-Circuits, Inc. Contact: Robert Modica (630) 628-5764
Patch Antenna Design Step 1 ΔL = 0.412h*[(εeff + 0.3)(W/h + 0.264)]/[( εeff – 0.258)(W/h + 0.8)] W = c/(2fo*√((εr+1)/2)) L = c/(2fo*√(εr)) – 2ΔL L = 30mm & W = 40.25mm L = 38.6mm & W = 40.25mm
Patch Antenna Design Step 2 <-Height = 1mm L = 30mm & W = 40.25mm
Patch Antenna Design Step 3 Height = 1.9mm Height = 1mm L1 = 30mm & W = 40.25mm
1.575 GHz Patch Antenna Design
Simulations: 1.575 GHz Patch Antenna
Simulations: 1.575 GHz Patch Antenna 1 to 2 GHz Simulation
1.575 GHz Results
1.227 GHz Patch Antenna Design
Simulations: 1.227 GHz Patch Antenna
Simulations: 1.227 GHz Patch Antenna 1 to 2 GHz Simulation
1.227 GHz Results
Inset Feed Matching Network Freq Length(mm) Width(mm) Er Ereff Zo 1.227 34.06 40.25 10.2 9.818024134 47.16779462 1.575 30 67.47522359 Zin(real) Zin(imag) Wo(mm) Yo(mm) Pi 135.902 -14.159 0.59567 3.14159 290.732 -28.368
Inset Feed Design Step 1 y0 = [Cos-1(Z0/Zin)]2*(L/π) W0 = 0.6mm (50Ω microstrip line) W1 = W0
Inset Feed Design Step 2 Height = 1mm L = 30mm & W = 40.25mm & y0 = 10.25mm
Inset Feed 1.575Ghz Simulation
Simulations: 1.575 GHz Inset
1.575 GHz Inset Results
Inset Feed 1.227Ghz Simulation
Simulations: 1.227 GHz Inset
1.227 GHz Inset Results
Antenna System Layout
Fabricated Antenna System
Sources: Application Note for MAX774 DC-to-DC Converter. RadantMEMS, 2007. Web. Nov. 2011. <>. Application Note for Test & Handling of SPST RF-MEMS Switches. RadantMEMS, 2007. Web. Nov. 2011. <>. Balanis, Constantine A. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005. Print. DeSignor, Jessica A., and Jayanti Venkataraman. "Reconfigurable Dual Frequency Microstrip Patch Antenna Using RF MEMS Switches." IEEE Xplore. May 2007. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. Rebeiz, Gabriel M., and Jeremy B. Muldavin. "RF MEMS Switches and Switch Circuits." IEEE Xplore. Dec. 2001. Web. 20 Sept. 2011. SPST, High-Isolation, RF-MEMS Switch DC to 20 GHz. RadantMEMS, 2007. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>. Yang, Songnan, Chunna Zhang, Helen K. Pan, Aly E. Fathy, and Vijay K. Nair. "Frequency Reconfigurable Antennas for Multiradio Wireless Platforms." IEEE Microwave Magazine (2009): 67-84. Print.