SciVal Funding SciVal Funding SciVal Funding is a licensed software product to help researchers find new funding opportunities, and to match researchers interests with re. SciVal Funding can be used in two ways Independent website – access on computer linked to MSU internet. Connected to SciVal Experts faculty profile (for faculty and academic staff)
Finding Funding Opportunities Search for funding opportunities – start with Search on top bar (Advanced) or box next to “Search Funding” (will need to select citizenship – helps find opportunities available to you – less refined) Select fields Refined searches with key words: Subject areas, eligibility, citizenship, award type, award amount, deadline, sponsor issues Further refine search – limited submission, etc. Can sort by type, amount, deadline, etc. Can save a search – log in to SciVal Funding. Need to provide an ID and password. Can add a search to your favorites Can also set alerts that will send to you about opportunities that may be of interest to you. Can Export data to Excel or print or a final search or selected parts of the search
Learn about Sponsors Learn about Sponsors by starting with Sponsors on top bar Select from bar on top – Sponsors Select sponsor from first letter of name Can find subject areas funded, top awardee institutions, amounts awarded and trends. Can save a search – log in to SciVal Funding. Need to provide an ID and password.
Learn about Prior Awards Learn about Prior awards by starting with Search on top bar – use this to see historic view of funding. Select from bar on top – Search or use search box Select terms and refinements of programs Select either awarded grants or inactive opportunities. Can further refine search Click on opportunity to learn more about that opportunity including who else has been funded by this opportunity. Can learn about history of funding of this program.
Help in using SciVal Funding Home page has three tutorials that can provide further guidance in using the tool. o Finding sponsors o Using awarded grants information o Creating a search profile - personalize recommendations Help button on top bar provides further assistance o How to search for author publication profile (clicking publication profile in advance search). Takes you to publications of that author. Brings in publication profile for you from Scopus Database. o More on opportunities and recommendations, searching o Creating alerts o Printing ing and exporting
Setting up your own profile Based on your personal interests Select Recommendations from the top navigation bar Enter your name and a password or create an account Select search profile from recommendations page. Add or modify publications to use in finding funding opportunities Can then see profile overview and finally review recommendations. Can set up additional profiles.
Automatic funding alerts through Scival Experts – MSU Scholars For Faculty and Academic Staff Type in your last name. Select your profile. At top select “manage your funding opportunities” Login via MSU NetID Select which publications to use in finding funding opportunities Can modify the dataset Set up alerts – can set frequency.