The Mandate To study and evaluate the economic and social developments in the OIC member countries in order to generate proposals that will initiate and enhance cooperation among them
Research Activities Tackling various developmental issues of interest to the member countries, with a view to analysing the prevailing situation at the OIC level and suggesting the appropriate policy actions that need to be taken in order to face the challenges and strengthen the intra-Islamic cooperation in the concerned areas. Extensive assignments to prepare technical background reports and research studies on several issues placed on the agenda of various OIC conferences and meetings such as poverty, education, agriculture, Health, energy, tourism, etc.
Examples of Recent Research Reports 1.Annual Economic Report on the OIC Countries, Education and Scientific Development in OIC Countries 3.State of Agriculture and Food Security in OIC Member Countries 4.OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action (OIC-HSPA) 5.Managing Natural Disasters and Conflicts in OIC Countries: An Integrated Approach 6.OIC Outlook Reports 7.Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development 8.Review of Economic Cooperation & Development Examples: Research Documents
Education and Scientific Development in OIC Countries
State of Agriculture and Food Security in OIC Member Countries
OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action (OIC-HSPA)
Managing Natural Disasters and Conflicts in OIC Countries: An Integrated Approach
OIC Outlook Reports
Periodicals: Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development
Periodicals: Economic Cooperation and Development Review ( Vol. 5, No:2)
Periodicals: Economic Cooperation and Development Review (Vol. 5, No.1)
Periodicals: Economic Cooperation and Development Review (Vol. 3, No.2)
Periodicals: Economic Cooperation and Development Review (Vol. 3, No.1)
© 2007 SESRIC. All rights reserved. Thank you for your attention Nabil DABOUR Director Economic and Social Research Department