January 2011City of Boise 1 City of Boise Time Clock Training Airport Biometrics Clocks
City of Boise2 January 2011 Clocks Bio-Metrics Clock on/Off Do’s / Don’ts Locations Standard Badge Swipe On/Off Clock On / Off Accruals Requesting Absences Viewing Messages
City of Boise3 January 2011 The clock will display a confirmation “clocked on” or “Clocked off” message when done Clock On / Clock Off – Biometrics The clock will ask for a fingerprint match. The employee will place a finger gently in reader when prompted to do so. Do not press too hard or finger match may be rejected. #3 #1 Enter a badge number then click on OK button. For employees who only have 4 digits, enter a leading zero (0) to make 5 digits. #2 Please Note: Fingers that are wet, too dry, scared, or dirty may not read correctly. Once the entry is complete, the clock will display a confirmation message with the transaction type ON, the user’s first and last name, and badge number. This message will display for approximately 5 seconds and then return to the Welcome screen.
City of Boise4 January 2011 Biometrics based clocks –Do’s, Don’ts & Locations Overview / Do’s & Don’ts 2 fingers are recorded / scanned to system No wet, dirty, fingers Do not press hard You can enter employee ID# No badges required at Airport Biometric stations Airport Locations: 3 rd Floor Break Room 2 nd Floor Custodial Lead Hall Basement Break Room Baggage Office Inflight SRE-Airfield Break Room
City of Boise5 January 2011 Clock On / Clock Off – badge Swipe Access the Main menu on the clock by pushing one of the F keys. #1 #2 When prompted, enter a badge number then click on OK button. For employees who only have 4 digits, enter a leading zero (0) to make 5 digits. Swipe badge in downward stroke in badge slot. Green light will indicate accurate badge read to clock on
City of Boise6 January 2011 Checking Accruals Access the Main menu on the clock by pushing one of the F keys. Push the F7 – Employee Information button on the clock display, or push the F7 function key. #1 #2 #4 #3 When prompted, enter a badge number then click on OK button. For employees who only have 4 digits, enter a leading zero (0) to make 5 digits. Push Exit button on clock display when finished #5 Push the F1 Accrual Balance button on clock display or push F1 function key. The accruals will be displayed as accrual type, and its corresponding balance.
City of Boise7 January 2011 Requesting Absences Access the Main menu on the clock by pushing one of the F keys. Push the F6 – Request Time Off button on the clock display, or push the F6 function key. #1 #2 #5 #3 When prompted, enter a badge number then click on OK button. For employees who only have 4 digits, enter a leading zero (0) to make 5 digits. Push Exit button on clock display when finished #6 Choose the date that the requested absence should occur on by using the arrow keys on the clock display, or keypad to navigate options and to set month, day, and year criteria. #4 Push the absence type and code from the appropriate drop down lists. Indicate the time or duration of the absence by selecting the appropriate radio button located on clock display. (Full day, Hours, or Period) Enter details for reason. To access, push the ‘*’ key on the clock keypad. The keyboard will appear on clock display. Push Enter button on clock display to accept entry and return to Request Time Off screen. Push the Accept button on clock display with done. A confirmation message will appear Note: Absences can only be requested for a future date, and only for one day at a time at the clock. Use the City of Boise’s Time and Attendance online system to request multiple days or a range of days.
City of Boise8 January 2011 Viewing Messages Access the Main menu on the clock by pushing one of the F keys. Push the F7 – Employee Information button on the clock display, or push the F7 function key. #1 #2 #4 #3 When prompted, enter a badge number then click on OK button. For employees who only have 4 digits, enter a leading zero (0) to make 5 digits. Push the message to be viewed from clock display by pressing the View button. When done viewing push the accept button. Push Exit button on clock display when finished #5 Push the F4 Employee Message button on clock display or push F4 function key. The Employee Messaging screen displays. #6 Note: A ‘Y’ or ‘N’ will be displayed under the Viewed column to indicate which messages have been viewed.