Beating Heart Transplants Aisling Cleary
Traditional Heart Transplants First heart transplant = performed in 1967 Today 3,800 performed worldwide per year Traditionally transported in cooler on ice Picture of first heart transplant in 1967
Traditional Transportation Traditional method = transported on ice Aka “Cold Ischemia” Maximum of 3- 4 hours to transport organ from donor to recipient
Problems with Traditional Transportation Heart receives no blood flow to muscle cells RESULT = Does not receive enough oxygen Does not receive essential nutrients Heart cells become ischemic
What is a Beating Heart Transplant? Machine: Organ Care System (OCS™) aka “Heart in a Box” Pumps oxygenated blood through heart Stimulates conditions of living human circulatory system
Benefits of Beating Heart Transplants Heart to receive nutrients & O2 2x as much time to transplant Transport along longer distances More time to find right match/ recipient
In the Future: Possible international transplants Creation of “organ banks” More time to perform more complex surgeries More time means: Less mistakes, Better matches