1 World War One- Battle of Gallipoli By: Ken Fan Period 3
Battle of Gallipoli Location: Gallipoli peninsula, Turkey Date: 25 April 1915 – 6 January 1916
Who fought in this battle VERSUS Allies Central Powers
4 Why did they fight Capture Istanbul and secure sea route to Russia
Significance ANZAC Day Laid grounds for Turkish War of Independence
6 who proposed this idea French Minister of Justice Aristide Briand in November 1914, later, Churhill
7 “The year the blackbirds Died” by christian ward They found the birds impaled on white picket fences; in fist-sized nooses, circling like trapeze artists trying to find the safety net; slumped over tables, wings hoarding nests of pills. And all the while, cats were waiting outside, their scratching tremors trying to eke out confessions from empty mouths.
8 Work cited "Gallipoli Campaign." Wikipedia. December Wikipedia, Web. 1 Dec Hickman, Kennedy. "World War I: Battle of Gallipoli." About.com The New York Time Company, Web. 1 Dec "The Battle of Gallipoli - World War One." DefenceTalk Forum Defence Talk, Web. 1 Dec k.com/pictures/data/4826/WW1_10A.jpg&imgrefurl= efencetalk.com/pictures/showphoto.php/photo/23662&usg=__oLy 2xkLWSNy0R_n- f3oyg7IDYQk=&h=374&w=500&sz=79&hl=en&start=6&um=1&tb nid=QmXKjQeAPo- w5M:&tbnh=97&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbattle%2Bof %2Bgallipoli%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26s a%3DN%26um%3D1