The Alpine Convention and its implementation AlpCity Project Turin, 03 April 2007 Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Paolo Angelini
The Ministry The Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea was established in Within its scope of competency lie responsibilities related to: sustainable development, protection of territory, pollution and industrial risks, international protection of the environment, nature conservation, waste and cleanup, and protection of seas and inland waters Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
Italy and mountains 54% of the Italian surface is covered by mountains Alps cover 17,3% of the Italian total surface Italian GDP in the Alpine area is more than millions euros The importance of mountain areas is underlined also in the Italian law The first reference to the mountain is in the Constitution (art.44, para. 2)
Italy and mountains Starting from law 25 July 1952, n. 991 indicating criteria for defining mountain regions that can receive financial contributions and special terms Italian law includes many measures and provisions for mountain areas.
The Alpine Convention is a framework agreement for the protection and sustainable development of the Alpine region. It was signed on November the 7th 1991 in Salzburg (Austria) by Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the EC.
The Alpine Convention
The Convention entered into force on March the 6th, In Italy it was ratified in 1999 (law 14 October 1999, n. 403) The Italian Ministry for the Environment is appointed to implement the Convention in Italy
The Alpine Convention The fields of interest of the Alpine Convention indicated in article 2, para. 2 of the framework Convention Population and culture Regional planning Prevention of air pollution Soil conservation Water management Conservation of nature and countryside Mountain farming Mountain forests Tourism and recreation Transport Energy Waste management
The Alpine Convention ORGANIZATION OF THE ALPINE CONVENTION Conference of Contracting Parties Depositary of the Convention Standing Committee Permanent Secretariat Working Groups Delegations and Focal Points Compliance Committee
The Alpine Convention Compliance Committee (Decision VII/4) Report Every four years the Contracting Parties have to compile a report, following the model prepared by the Compliance Committee. These report are public and the Permanent Secretariats passes them to all the Parties and to the Observers.
The Alpine Convention Structure of the Report Introduction: the importance of the Alpine Convention and its Protocols for the Contracting Party Summary: Efforts made and programmed for the future for the implementation of the Convention Implementation of the Conventions obligations Implementation of the Protocols obligations Implementation of decisions and recommendations Perspectives
The Alpine Convention Legal Provisions at national and local level: Laws Ministerial Decrees Regional Decrees Administrative writs Regulations Circulars 780 Measures and Projects developed at national and sub -national level: Projects Programs Benefits Special terms Agreements Initiatives 290 In its report to the Compliance Committee of the Alpine Convention, Italy indicated legal provisions and measures that contributed to the implementation of the Convention in Italy
The Alpine Convention For example: MOUNTAIN FORESTS: Legge del 21 novembre 2000, n. 353: Legge quadro in materia di incendi boschivi (in G.U , n. 280). La presente Legge è finalizzata alla conservazione e difesa dagli incendi del patrimonio boschivo nazionale, prescrive il piano regionale di previsione, prevenzione e lotta attiva contro gli incendi boschivi, le attività formative e informative, le disposizioni per le aree naturali protette e le sanzioni in caso di trasgressione della presente norma. POPULATION AND CULTURE Legge Regionale 22 marzo 1996 n. 15 Norme per la tutela e la promozione della lingue a della cultura friulane e istitutiva del servizio per le lingue regionali e minoritarie.(in B.U. n. 13 del 27 marzo 1996). Tale disposizione mira a conservare e sviluppare la lingua e la cultura friulane quali elementi essenziali dellidentità etnica e storica della Regione, prevedendo strumenti attuativi, attività scientifiche e culturali, strumenti di tutela.
The Alpine Convention A huge number of legal provision have been adopted in the fields of interest of the Alpine Convention. Administrative authorities at national and regional level have been developing programs and projects for the protection and sustainable development of mountain regions. Obligations, under article 2, para. 2 of the frame work Convention are respected and accomplished, even if Italy has not ratified the Protocols yet.
The Alpine Convention Implementation of the Protocols The Alpine Convention Implementation of the Protocols
The Alpine Convention One of the most important tool for the implementation of the Convention is the Report on the State of the Alps (RSA) Content, Sources and Process Concept / indicators of WG Environmental Objectives and Indicators Proposals of WG Transport Supplements for integrative approach (Policy issues, objectives, sustainability) Proposal for discussion in WG RSA
The Alpine Convention Priorities for next years: Public relations: The Conference of the Alps will have more contacts with the public opinion, with the scientific community and with politics Sharing experiences: The Conference of the Alps will promote cooperation activities Relation on the State of the Alps: good basis for the development of future activities Common projects in four fields: development of projects in the fields of mobility, society-culture-identity, nature-agriculture, tourism-sport Fulfillment of the Convention: particular attention on population and culture, Prevention of air pollution, water management and waste management Cooperation with other mountain regions: prosecution of cooperation activities with other mountain regions
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