TOP - Hungary Guiding principles for road infrastructure safety investment projects 7 February 2011 Budapest Kristian DUUS JASPERS Regional Office for Central Europe, Vienna
Rationale 1. Road projects with documented safety impacts are supported by the Commission - ref EU targets 2. Well prepared safety projects can have big positive impact - reducing no. of accidents 3. Safety improvements are appreciated by the public
Types of Interventions related to investment projects 1. Change in design standards – if firmly proven by substantial evidence (data) and analysis 2. Accident data collection and processing (very essential to decide targeted actions) 3. Black spot identification, analysis, and action 4. Thematic projects (fixed objects, pedestrian crossings, 30 km/h zones, rail-x’ings 5. Intelligent Traffic Systems - ITS 6. Road Safety Audit, technical review by safety experts
Many involved players Cooperation essential !! 1. Ministry of Transport – legislation and policies 2. Managing Authority – Nat Dev Agency - programming 3. KKK – Safety Department – knowhow & coor 4. NIF 5. Road Authorities (AAK and MK) 6. Institute for Transport Sciences 7. Police – Ministry of Interior 8. Etc.
Complete accident Data are essential 1. When a road accident happens a record is made with complete factual info about, location, time, weather, road condition, what happened, alco test, accident sketch, statement of implicated persons, but no judging 2. Accident record to be entered into database 3. Database (excluding personal data) to be accessible for road agencies AAK + MK for analysis and problem identification 4. Database important for monitoring impact of safety projects
Example 1 ITS success story Project equivalent to M0 widening
ITS success story less accidents smooth traffic
Example 2 Black-spot at large interchange
Black-spot at large interchange - solution
Example 3 - Retracted stop-line at traffic light
11 RSA - Project example – stage 2
12 RSA Project example - new four leg junctions
13 Project example – Stage 5
14 Project example – Stage 5
15 Safe journey !!