ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО МОСКВЫ ДЕПАРТАМЕНТ ТРУДА И ЗАНЯТОСТИ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ Strategies of Effective Training for the Citizens through PES System: the experience of Moscow PES Acting Director of the Department on Labour and Employment in Moscow - Vadim Kudryashov
Employment and Unemployment 2
3 Career guidance for Moscow citizens
On-line resources on career guidance ( Bank of interactive description of different professions (professiograms): - 80 interactive professiograms; - 15 career guidance and psychological tests Bank of interactive description of different professions (professiograms): - 80 interactive professiograms; - 15 career guidance and psychological tests Collection of professiograms for people with disabilities: - 30 professiograms on different specialties and professions for people with disabilities Collection of professiograms for people with disabilities: - 30 professiograms on different specialties and professions for people with disabilities Catalog of videoprofessiograms: - 85 videoprofessiograms that show what are the conditions and activities of the most popular professions Catalog of videoprofessiograms: - 85 videoprofessiograms that show what are the conditions and activities of the most popular professions Number of visitors: - in ,4 thousand people - as for 9 months of 2014 – 421,6 thousand people Number of visitors: - in ,4 thousand people - as for 9 months of 2014 – 421,6 thousand people 4
Viability of vocational training 5
Vocational training for unemployed Among the most popular disciplines: HR management IT technologies Bookkeeping and audit Logistics Business foreign language Gatekeeper Electrician and wireman Driver Truck driver Hairdresser, specialist on manicure and pedicure 6
Vocational training for women who raise the children under the age of three The education is carried out by: Training center «Professional» Business center for women Educational institutions of Moscow 7
Areas and types of training for women on maternity leave 8 Retraining of the specialists - 52% Advanced training - 37% Training on “blue-collar” professions - 11%
Training center “Professional” ( 9 Rules of the RF for working at hight, developed together with French Institute v.Axess (Petzl, France) Vocational training for unemployed In 2013 – 3084 people 9 months of 2014 – 2141 people Vocational training on employers’ demand In 2013 – 47,1 thousand people 9 months of 2014 – 33,8 thousand people
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