Public International Law
Treaties and other international agreements Custom General principles of law Judicial decisions and teachings of qualified publicists Sources of Public Int’l Law:
Key Texts in International Law Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law Oppenheim, International Law Shaw, International Law Remember you can do author/title searches in GAVEL
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law with older editions in print in Law Library
Resources: Bluebook lists official and unofficial cites depends on whether U.S. is a party and number of parties use treaty indexes and databases to get citations databases: TIARA, UN Treaties, Westlaw & Lexis Web resources: Tufts, ENTRI, EISIL, Hein Online, etc. Source: Treaties
name date citations Check Bluebook for Rules re each element Treaties in Force online at or via Hein Online or LLMC Digital
important resources for recent & pending treaties
Hein Online Treaties and Agreements library
Treaties & International Agreements Online especially good for treaties where U.S. is party Convention on wetlands linked from Research Resources page currently not available off- campus
Treaties and Int’l Agreements Online
Use this to determine when adopted or concluded, who has signed and/or ratified and when, who has denounced, when it entered into force, any declarations or reservations, and more
citation 189 UNTS 137 Click book icon to jump to full text
EISIL seeks most authoritative and stable online source
The EISIL record provides useful info: citation, link to online sources, description, etc.
Hein Online: not just law reviews! Many international law resources, including treaties
Linked from Law Library’s Research Resources
Contains official pubs, unofficial pubs, indexes, related docs
Collection of bilateral and multilateral treaties from
Categories reflect early emphasis on env’t but now includes more
Travaux Préparatoires the preparatory work (or "legislative history") of a treaty often used for the purpose of interpreting the treaty
Check GAVEL: keyword search the name of the treaty and (travaux or preparatory or congress or history or negotiations or negotiating history), etc. Treaty documents collected by an international organization international conference web sites Yearbooks of international law sources for travaux préparatoires
GlobaLex has a good guide to finding travaux préparatoires
National Treaty Law and Practice series Title search in GAVEL Volumes for additional countries forthcoming
Frequently-cited Treaties and Other International Instruments but you have access through UGA
Source: Custom Resources: your objective is to find evidence of state practice records of state’s foreign relations domestic court decisions domestic legislation resolutions, declarations of int orgs
Where do I find these types of evidence? documents on foreign or int’l relations digests, e.g. Digest of United States Practice in International Law repertories of practice yearbooks International Legal Materials Web - State Department and corollaries in other countries
Digests of Int’l Law digest and international law
(foreign and documents and canada) and (relations or diploma? or repertory) Sample search in GIL at Main Library foreign documents canada relations diploma? repertory
Sources of State Practice in Int’l Law KZ64.S67 (basement)
references to: treaty collections sources of diplomatic documentation other materials that shed light on customary state practice in international law, including yearbooks and digests relevant web sites Currently covers 15 jurisdictions with plans to add more.
Oxford Reports on International Law
Avalon Project at Yale "Documents in Law, History & Diplomacy" digitized doesn't provide citations does provide hyperlinks to referenced docs
U.S. State Dept. Office of the Historian "Foreign Relations of the United States" database historians declassifying documents compiling documentary history of foreign relations in the U.S. currently 480+ volumes and growing
Don’t forget: ILM is a good resource for many different kinds of docs, including treaties and domestic legislation & case law
Bluebooking International Agreements Rule 21.4 & the abbreviation tables can be time-consuming lots of details: name, parties, date, source may need to look several places to get all of the information pay attention to all citation elements