Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK by GoliardWan Intel/SSG/DRD 1 Copyright © 2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved *MeeGo is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation.
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK Welcome!! What MeeGo SDK should look like Where we are now Future works Labs - Hands on SDK Opens 2
Software and Services Group MeeGo OS -Spans Multiple Segments 3 Unified Hardware Architecture Unified Hardware Architecture Media Phone HandheldsNetbooksIVI Smart TVs Unified Software Platform Tablets Intel® Atom™ Developer Program Intel AppUp SM Center
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Mission 4 Make Developers Easier to Build MeeGo Applications Build Once Run on Multiple Devices
Software and Services Group MeeGo Native SDK Overview 5 Development Linux MeeGo 工 具链 Debug Xephyr Distribute Package Open source Garage MeeGo Worksation Windows XP/7 Real device Linux QEMU VM +GL acc MeeGo Cross- Compile MeeGo 工 具链 Mac OS MeeGo Cross- Compile Cross- Compile CHRoot manual RPM Spec Creator public OBS plugin to Qt Creator
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK for Windows 6 Download the installer: MeeGo SDK 1.2 Preview for WindowsMeeGo SDK 1.2 Preview for Windows (~400MB). Windows XP only: After running the installer, you will also need to download vcredist_x86.exe (4 MB)(Microsoft Visual C SP1 Redistributable Package (x86))vcredist_x86.exe and install it on your system. This is not needed for Windows 7.
Software and Services Group Install Target and Runtime 7 Target: A target is a profile, such as "handset" or "tablet". To build applications for a target, you must download the toolchain and build libraries for that target. This is done using a tool called the MeeGo Application Development and Debug Environment (MADDE). Launch the MADDE Terminal: Start > All Programs > MeeGo SDK > MADDE Terminal. mad list Download the desired target, using "mad-admin create -f ". For example, to download the new tablet target (recommended), The target is a large (~400MB) file, which is downloaded and then unpacked on your system. The final unpacked size is approximately 800MB. Note: If behind a proxy, you may need to export http_proxy="proxy:port"
Software and Services Group Install Target and Runtime 8 runtime: A runtime is the QEMU virtual machine image for a profile. There is a corresponding runtime for each target profile. You should install the same profile type as the target downloaded in the previous step. In the MADDE Terminal, view all available runtimes by typing "mad-admin list" at the prompt. Note the "Runtimes" section. Download the desired runtime using "mad-admin create -e -f ". For example, to download the new tablet runtime (recommended) enter: "mad-admin create -e -f meego-tablet-ia32-sdk sda-runtime" The runtime is a large (~800MB) file, which is downloaded and then unpacked on your system. The final unpacked size is approximately 1.2 GB.
Software and Services Group Open and Configure Qt Creator 9
Software and Services Group Setup the Virtual Machine (QEMU) 10 Note: kqemu will only work on 32-bit Windows. 64-bit Windows will not work with kqemu. On 64-bit Windows systems, you can still build MeeGo applications, but you will need to run and debug them on a real device, instead of in a virtual machine Download and unpack kqemu from For Windows XP system, right click the kqemu.inf file and select "install". For Windows 7 or Windows Vista system, edit the kqemu.inf file with the changes below, and then right click the kqemu.inf and select "install". [DefaultInstall.NT] --> [DefaultInstall] [DefaultInstall.NT.Services] --> [DefaultInstall.Services] [Uninstall.NT] --> [Uninstall] [Uninstall.NT.Services] --> [Uninstall.Services] Start kqemu "Run as administrator“ CMD with following cmd line: > net start kqemu
Software and Services Group Configure MeeGo Emulator in Qt Creator 11 You can create an "emulator" in Qt Creator to debug your MeeGo applications, either in QEMU or on a real device. Go to the Project options in Qt Creator: Tools -> Options -> Projects -> MeeGo Device Configurations. Click the "Add" button to create an emulator configuration, which will use QEMU or hardware device. Set up QEMU Emulator To use QEMU, set the following values: Device type: MeeGo emulator Authentication type: Password hostname: localhost (or ) SSH port: 6666 Username: root Password: meego
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK –Host and Targets Platforms 12 Host System OS Fedora 12,13 (12 14) Ubuntu 9.10,10.04 (9.10 10.10) OpenSUSE 11.2,11.3 (11.2 11.4) Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 Mac (Snow Leopard) version TBD Target Platforms x86 Netbook, x86 Handheld, N900 Includes images for the device Images for emulation in QEMU
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK -Installation 13 Single SDK file download Online and offline version GUI-based Installer for all hosts Current status: Windows: meego-sdk-installer.exe Linux: 1. Update system repo config 2. Install meta-package 3. Download vertical build tools and QEMU image 4. Configure Qt Creator to use correct tools
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – IDE & APIs 14 MeeGo offers Qt* and Web runtime for app development: Qt for native C++ and Web runtime for Web applications (HTML, JS, CSS, etc.) Qt and Web runtime bring cross platform development so apps can span multiple platforms Native development tool: Qt Creator Web development tools: plug-ins for standard web development tools MeeGo offers Qt* and Web runtime for app development: Qt for native C++ and Web runtime for Web applications (HTML, JS, CSS, etc.) Qt and Web runtime bring cross platform development so apps can span multiple platforms Native development tool: Qt Creator Web development tools: plug-ins for standard web development tools MeeGo APIs Web Runtime +
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Target Management 15 MeeGo OS Base MeeGo OS Middleware MeeGo* Handset UX MeeGo User Experience MeeGo Netbook UXOther UXs MeeGo UI Framework Handset UI and Applications Netbook UI and Applications Netbook UI Framework Comms SvcsInternet SvcsVisual SvcsMedia SvcsData MgmtPersonal SvcsDevice Svcs Connection Mgmt Telephony APIs Cellular Stack VOIP, IM, Presence Layout Engine Web Services Web Run Time Location Clutter GTK+ Clutter GTK+ 3D Graphics I18n Rendering I18n Rendering Media App Framework Media Framework Content Framework Context Framework Package Manager Device Health Sensor Framework Resource Mgmt Backup & Restore PIM Services Accts & Single Sign-on Kernel 2D Graphics 15 Security Platform Info Settings Database System Libraries Message Bus Bluetooth* X X Audio Codecs UPnP Handset UI Framework Device Sync
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – IDE & APIs 16 QT Development Tools Chipsets Qt* modular class library Core GUI WebKit Graphics View Scripting OpenGL XML Multimedia Database Network Unit Tests Benchmarking Cross-platform support Windows* Mac* Linux*/X11 eLinux Win* CE Symbian* Qt Designer GUI designer Qt Linguist I18N Toolset Qt Assistant Help reader Qt Creator Cross-platform IDE qmake Cross-Platform Build Tool
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Target Management 17 MADDE ( MeeGo Application Dev and Debug Environment). – Make One-Stop for all MeeGo Devices/targets possible – Create/update/remove targets – Create runtimes – Manage toolchains – Integrated other tools – CML based development
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Emulator 18 QEMU Virtual Machine – GL-accelerated graphics and KVM enabled – Integrated into Qt Creator. Button to launch QEMU for running/debugging Flexible skin framework – Custom skinning: Add your device – Mapping of skin areas to events (click skin button sends event to QEMU) – Rotation – Zoom in/out: Skin and QEMU
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Other Tools 19 Packaging – “Package and deploy” for debugging (to QEMU or device) – Package for deploy to a store – Integrated into Qt Creator Compliance Application and OS checkers. Documentation. Integrated into Qt Creator Performance – Performance measurements: CPU,memory and power usage – Integrated into Qt Creator UI Designer MeeGo Image Creator OBS Internationalization
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK For MeeGo DevelopDebugDistributePackage Community Repositories Features Cross-OS Deploy/debug with VM or device Device emulation Better packaging support Integration with Qt Creator manual RPM Spec Creator public OBS plugin to Qt Creator Linux Workstation MeeGo toolchain QEMU Virtual Machine plugin to Qt Creator Windows Workstation QEMU* Virtual Machine MeeGo toolchain Device Go_SDK_for_Linux
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Release and Build 21 MeeGo SDK for MeeGo 1.1 is the latest one mainly contributed by Intel & Nokia. Twice per Year Cadence as MeeGo. For Linux, Weekly Build in OBS –
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Future Works 22 MeeGo SDK for Mac OSs and additional Linux Distros MeeGo Emulator/Simulators with improved performance Devices Simulation Performance Tuning Tools Guides of Porting Apps Crossing Devices Compliance Compatibility across APIs and Devices Improved IDE and Madde with more Plugins created UI Designer for new Toolkits System development support
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK 23 Look forward to your participating and feedback!
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Resources SDK tools source codes SDK Wiki MeeGo Architecture MeeGo API eego-skin.html - Handset emulator video eego-skin.html Communication – IRC: #meego-sdk on – Mailing list:
Software and Services Group MeeGo SDK – Labs 25
Software and Services Group 26 Legal Information INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL ® PRODUCTS. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS, INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. Intel may make changes to specifications, product descriptions, and plans at any time, without notice. All dates provided are subject to change without notice. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights are protected.