The Language Of Music Music Theory Part 2 Staff, Clefs, Time, Notation By Mr. White
Dotted Notes Adding a dot to a note increases the length of the note: note value + ½ the value of the note = dotted note
Dotted Notes Example whole note value = 4 ½ value = = 6
Dotted Notes Example half note value = 2 ½ value = = 3
Dotted Notes Example quarter note value = 1 ½ value = ½ 1 + ½ = 1 ½ or 1.5
Time Signatures
Fasttime In 2 beats per measure Grouping 3 beats into 1
Triplet Putting 3 eighth notes into one beat
Leger Lines Leger lines extend the music staff to extend the range of notes to higher and lower possibilities
Leger Lines
Leger Lines
Tie Two notes with the same letter name connected by a curved line played as one continuous sound
Tie Primarily used to create longer notes across a bar line
Slur Two or more notes with different letter names connected by a curved line played as a connected sound without stopping or resting between notes
Accidentals Flat f : lowers notes by ½ tone Sharp d : raises notes by ½ tone Natural e : cancels a flat or sharp
Accidentals B B f B B f B A
Accidentals C C d C C d C D
Natural ½ Steps There are two occurrences where two natural notes are ½ step apart in pitch or tone E - F B - C
Tetra Chord A four (4) note scale developed by the early Greeks. It uses the formula 1 – 1 – ½, Whole step, whole step, half step 1 1 ½
Tetra Chord A four (4) note scale developed by the early Greeks. It uses the formula 1 – 1 – ½, Whole step, whole step, half step 1 1 ½ d
Tetra Chord *Reminder: Natural ½ steps = E-F & B-C Tetra Chord formula = 1 – 1 – ½ E f to F is 1 ½ steps
Tetra Chord *Reminder: Natural ½ steps = E-F & B-C Tetra Chord formula = 1 – 1 – ½
Tetra Chord *Reminder: Natural ½ steps = E-F & B-C Tetra Chord formula = 1 – 1 – ½
Tetra Chord *Reminder: Natural ½ steps = E-F & B-C Tetra Chord formula = 1 – 1 – ½
Major Scale An eight (8) note scale created with two (2) tetra chords connected with a whole step: 1 – 1 – ½ (1) 1 – 1 – ½ ½ - (1) ½ -
Major Scale An eight (8) note scale created with two (2) tetra chords connected with a whole step: 1 – 1 – ½ (1) 1 – 1 – ½ ½ - (1) ½ - f
Key Signature Placed after the clef and before the time signature, the key signature indicates notes in a song that are flat or sharp.