Normal Superficial Squamous Cells of Cervix


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Presentation transcript:

Normal Superficial Squamous Cells of Cervix The nuclei are small, dark, and pyknotic with no visible nuclear detail. The cytoplasm may be pink, slightly orange or blue (cyanophilic). Wisps of mucus and occasional neutrophils are present in the background.

Normal Intermediate Cells of Cervix These cells lie beneath the superficial layer. The cytoplasm is generally cyanophilic. The nuclei are round but are not as pyknotic as those of superficial cells. The chromatin is finely granular and nucleoli are not visible.

Normal Squamous Parabasal Cells of Cervix The cells have a nucleus with finely granular chromatin. The nuclei have a delicate membrane and no visible nucleolus. The N:C is much higher than that of the intermediate cell.

HPV Change The arrows point to a koilocyte. The cell is binucleate with large, hyperchromatic nuclei with granular and clumped chromatin. The halo is irregular and shows a sharp margin. •human papillomavirus infection (HPV) •types 6 and 11 associated with low grade lesions •types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 etc associated with high grade lesions •cigarette smoking may also play a role

Degenerative changes Degenerative changes. Note the pyknotic nuclei with small perinuclear halos. There is no peripheral thickening at the edge of the halo. Do not confuse this finding with viral (koilocytotic) change.

Bacterial Vaginosis Generally Gardnerella vaginosis Bacteria are seen in the background, mainly on the squamous cells resulting in clue cells. Polymorphs are absent or rare.