W IRELESS E NERGY M ETER R EADING S YSTEM Prepared by: Shah Jaiy S.( ) Kuril Atul A.( ) Vadadoriya Vidhyut M. ( ) Wireless Energy Meter Reading System Guided by: Dr. K. G. Maradia
I NTRODUCTION Electricity is the driving force behind the development of any country. With the rapid increase in residential, commercial, and industrial consumers of electricity throughout the world, it has now become imperative for utilities companies to devise better, non- intrusive, Environmentally - safe techniques of gauging utilities’ consumption so that correct bills can be generated and invoiced. Nowadays, Wireless communication has become ubiquitous, hence we have tried to make a system to read energy meters with less human efforts using wireless technology. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
O BJECTIVE In India, large number of employees are hired to read meter. Using this system very less human effort will be needed to read meters. Meter can be read from a far distance from the consumer’s place. There some people don’t like unknown person entering their homes, this dissatisfaction can be solved by using this system. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
P ROPOSED S YSTEM Consists Two sections Master part Slave part Hardware part consists of Microcontroller Wireless card Graphic LCD Computer for master part MAX232 Buttons and LEDs Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
S YSTEM D IAGRAM Slave 1/Meter 1 Wireless card Slave 2/Meter 2 Wireless card Slave 3/Meter 3 Wireless card Master/ Wireless card Display Device MC 8051 Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
W ORKING In this project we are going to measure energy meter reading through wireless technology. In the receiver unit identification number of all energy meter are saved. Then unit sends the signal for reading purpose. In the receiver section there is one computer, one keyboard and one wireless card with antenna. Transmitter section contain microcontroller. When this unit receives the signal from master unit then it will connect with the master unit wirelessly. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
Then master unit ask for meter reading. At that time meter reading are also displayed on LCD display at meter side. Microcontroller sends the data to the master section. We can see the real time operation because the same data will be received by the master side. So we can measure the meter reading fast and accurately. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
B LOCK D IAGRAM Master part Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
B LOCK D IAGRAM Slave part Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
D ETAILED D ESIGN Microcontroller AT89S51 16/32-bit microcontroller in a tiny DIP package. 5V Operating voltage 8 to 40 kB of on-chip static RAM and 32 to 512 kB of on-chip flash program memory. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
D ETAILED D ESIGN Wireless Card CC2500 Used in Small size (QLP 4x4 mm package, 20 pins) 5V Operating voltage Low-cost 2.4 GHz transceiver. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
C IRCUIT D IAGRAM Slave part Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
C IRCUIT D IAGRAM Master part Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
W IRELESS C ARD CC2500 Low-cost 2.4 GHz transceiver Low operating current of 90mA SRD (Short Range Device) frequency band. Integrated with a highly configurable baseband modem. Supports packet handling, data buffering, burst transmissions, clear channel assessment, link quality indication, and wake-on-radio. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
K EY FEATURES OF CC2500 RF Performance High Sensitivity Low current consumption Programmable output Analog Features Different shift keying supported Suitable for frequency hoping AFC can be used Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
Digital Features Digital RSSI output. Programmable channel filter bandwidth. Programmable Carrier Sense (CS) indicator. Support for per-package Link Quality Indication (LQI). Optional automatic whitening and dewhitening of data. Low-Power Features 400 nA SLEEP mode current consumption Fast startup time: 240 us from SLEEP to RX or TX mode. Wake-on-radio functionality for automatic low-power RX polling. Separate 64-byte RX and TX data FIFOs (enables burst mode data transmission) Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
A DVANTAGES ELECTRIC COMPANY BENEFITS Smart automated processes instead of manual work Accurate information Customized rates and billing dates. Streamlined high bill investigations. Detection of tampering of Meters. Accurate measurement of transmission losses. Better network performance and cost efficiency. CUSTOMER BENEFITS Precise consumption information Clear and accurate billing Better and faster customer service Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
C ONCLUSION As a part of curriculum in semester-8, we studied interfacing of wireless card cc2500, its working and application in wireless energy meter reading system. We have enhanced our programming skills by interfacing LCD, Wireless Card with AT89S51 in KEIL (simulator) and tested on Flash Magic. The hardware could also be interfaced with the personal computer and result could be stored in the central server and its backup could be taken on the other backend servers. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
T OOLS USED IN THIS PROJECT Keil uVision4 for programming. Flash Magic Programmer. Microcontroller Development Board. Hyper Terminal. Wireless Energy Meter Reading System
T HANK Y OU !! Wireless Energy Meter Reading System