COMMA SPLICES Comma splice: use of a comma to join two independent clauses Ex: She stayed up late, she had a lot on her mind. Fix it: Add a conjunction (FANBOYS) Use a semicolon Separate the sentences into two Ex: She stayed up late, for she had a lot on her mind.
SEMICOLONS Can join two sentences together. Ex: Linda felt guilty. She knew she had lied. Linda felt guilty; she knew she had lied. If a sentence has too many commas, use a semicolon to join them instead. Ex: I visited France, Italy, and England, and Jan visited Lithuania, Germany, and Scotland. I visited France, Italy, and England; Jan visited Lithuania, Germany, and Scotland. When you are listing things, use semicolons to join items that already contain commas. Ex: They drove through Durham, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. They drove through Durham, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. DO NOT use semicolons to join an independent clause with a dependent clause or phrase. Ex - INCORRECT: She needed to rest; but couldn’t. Ex – CORRECT: She needed to rest; the coach would not let her.
COMBINING SENTENCES The teams came from Los Angeles CA San Diego CA and San Francisco CA. I worked really hard to get a good grade however Ben didn’t study and still passed. It is very difficult to master a language although living in the country makes it easier. The night was cold and the people were starving therefore many people opened their doors to them. Cider is my favorite holiday drink hot chocolate is too rich.