Employment Eligibility Verification Regulation Regulation , issued May 26, 2009 “4. Authorized Representatives –Only individuals who have completed appropriate I-9 and E-Verify training, and who have been endorsed by HR's International Employment office, may review documents, complete Section 2 of the I-9 form, and conduct E-Verify verifications on behalf of NC State.” Next I-9/E-Verify class: –September 24, 9 am-12 pm, Admin II, Room 212
E-Verify Updates DHS TNC: tell employee to Pennie Graham or Jill Guzman for an appointment, do not click anything else Updated E-Verify system (as of June 13, 2010): –Requires explanation of why E-Verify was not done within 3 days of the hire date. Choices are: Awaiting Social Security Number Technical Problems Audit Revealed the New Hire Was Not Run Federal Contractor Other (requires a text explanation) – do NOT use! –If in doubt, contact Jill before answering, as DHS can use the answer to decide to audit/penalize us for noncompliance
When do I need to do a new I-9 form? 120 day (4 month) rule is no longer in effect Instead, look in HR system –If system says “Completed and E-Verified” or “N/A – no work obligation” then no new I-9 is needed –If system says “I-9 Purged” or is blank, you do need a new I-9 for that employee New system is still a work in progress –Unavoidable lag time between a dept. completing the form, routing it through the college (if required) and then arriving at HR for review and system updating
HR System: Workforce Administration/Personal Information/Modify a Person/Biographical Details tab