Bermudagrass Pasture – 2011 Breakdown of Projected Costs per Acre $243.59/acre
$96.81 per ton (65% of vc) (12% of vc) $ per acre Bermudagrass Hay Production – 2011 Breakdown of Total Costs (Projected) per Acre
The False Economy of Shortcuts Cost of Production Compared to Average Yield (t/ac)60%75%90%100%110%125% 8$56$71$85$94$103$118 7$64$80$96$107$118$134 6$75$94$113$125$138$156 5$90$113$135$150$165$188 4$113$141$169$188$207$235 3$150$188$225$250$275$313 Adapted from R.C. Lacy, 2008
Soil Test and Follow Fertility Recommendations Sample 1/3 of your pastures each year and hayfields every year.
Forage Quality has High Value Now CropMaturityCPTDNSupplement † Cost ‡ -- % -- lbs/hd/day$/hd/day Bermudagrass4 weeks $0 6 weeks $ weeks $0.75 Tall FescueLate boot $0 Early head $0 Dough $0.53 † Assuming 50:50 corn gluten:soyhulls supplementation for forage quality on low end of the range. ‡ Approximate price = $200/ton (current as of ). Supplementing a Lactating Beef Cow + $2.00/hd/day in hay fed
SMALL INTESTINE RUMEN Sources of Energy FiberStarch
Effect of Increasing Corn on Hay Intake and Digestibility Corn, lbs/day None Hay DMI lbs DOMI, lbs Hay OM Digest, % Oklahoma State, 1987 JAS 65:557
Effect of Increasing Soybean Hulls on Hay Intake SH, lbs/day None Hay, OMI, lbs DOMI, lbs OM Digestibility, % Oklahoma State, 1990 JAS 68:4319
What is “high quality forage?” Forage that is highly digestible (i.e., high TDN) Large amounts of the forage can be consumed (i.e., high DMI). Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) = TDN * DMI/1.23 Forage that is highly digestible (i.e., high TDN) Large amounts of the forage can be consumed (i.e., high DMI). Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) = TDN * DMI/1.23
Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) Heifer, mo. Dry cow Mature horse, lt. work Heifer, mo. Lactating beef cow Lactating mare Mature horse, mod. work Dairy, last 200 days Heifer, 3-12 mo. Stocker cattle Weanling horse Mature horse, int. work Dairy, 1 st 120 days Dairy calf Quality Required Adapted from Ball et al., 2008.
Proposed Southeastern Forage Quality Categories a CategoryRFQ Supreme> 185 Prime Choice Select Standard Utility< 90 a Adapted from the AFGC’s Hay Market Task Force’s standards (1988), with RFQ ranges approximated from RFV, NDF, ADF, and DMI ranges. Note: no consideration is given to CP content.
How Are Samples Currently Distributed in this Categorization System? Frequency of Quality Grades of All Samples Submitted between July 1, 2003 – February, 2011 Percent of the Samples - Utility - Standard - Select - Choice - Prime - Premium
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
The Paradox of Forage Quality and Quantity Digestibility & Palatability
Fescue Maturity- Digestibility Majority of hay harvested at hard seed stage Only truly applicable with spring harvest JUST MORE MANURE!!!
Bermudagrass Harvest Interval: Effects on Protein and Digestibility McCollough and Burton., 1962 DMI 11.9, 8.8, 9.5 lbs ADG 1.2,.9, 0 lbs Percent, %
Harvest Timing Recommendations Hybrid Bermudagrass - 1st cut at inches - Subsequent cuttings at week intervals Tall fescue, ryegrass, orchardgrass, etc. - Spring cut at early flower stage - Mid to late boot stage for higher quality - Subsequent cuttings at inches (better quality) Alfalfa - Spring cut at when 10-20% of plants are blooming - Cut at late bud – 10% bloom stage Hybrid Bermudagrass - 1st cut at inches - Subsequent cuttings at week intervals Tall fescue, ryegrass, orchardgrass, etc. - Spring cut at early flower stage - Mid to late boot stage for higher quality - Subsequent cuttings at inches (better quality) Alfalfa - Spring cut at when 10-20% of plants are blooming - Cut at late bud – 10% bloom stage
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
Quality Differences in the Major Forage Species Maint. Mod. Production High Production
Typical Range in Quality of Common Forages
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
14 inches
Moisture distribution of mixed grass- legume round bales stored on the ground Shinners, University of Wisconsin Twine Wrapped % Moisture Net Wrapped
Moisture distribution of mixed grass- legume round bales stored on the ground vs. elevated Shinners, University of Wisconsin Twine Wrapped % Moisture On a Pallet
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
The Effect of Rainfall on DM Loss DM Loss, % Rainfall, in. Scarbrough et al., 2005
Crop Moisture Lessens Rain Damage on Bermudagrass DM Loss, % Rainfall, in. Scarbrough et al., % Moisture, Not Significant. 40% Moisture 13% Moisture
Crop Moisture Lessens Rain Damage on Bermudagrass NDF, % Rainfall, in. Scarbrough et al., % Moisture, Not Significant. 40% Moisture 13% Moisture
The Effect of Rain on Tall Fescue Hay Turner et al., 2003
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
Heat Damage to Crude Protein Heat Protein Useable Protein Heat-Damaged Protein DM Intake
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality. Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality.
Yield and Digestibility of Bermudagrass Hybrids
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality. Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations
CP in Bermudagrass Forage as Effected by N Fertilization Source: Dr. Bill Anderson, USDA-ARS Tifton
Effect of N Rates on Bermudagrass CP & Digestibility Burton et al.
Does fertility or harvest timing affect quality more?- Crude Protein Colovos et al (4X as much N) Bromegrass
(3.8 X as much N) Colovos et al Bromegrass Does fertility or harvest timing affect quality more?- Digestibility
Primary Factors Affecting Forage Quality FactorRecommendation Plant Maturity Cut bermudagrass every 4-5 wks; cut tall fescue in the boot or early head stage. Forage Species Use the highest-quality species that will persist in your environment. Bale Storage Protect bales from rainfall and weathering during storage (i.e., barn, tarp, etc.) Rain During Curing Avoid cutting if significant rainfall (> 0.50 inches) is predicted during curing. Moisture at Baling Allow forage to dry to the appropriate moisture (Round: 15%; Square: 18%) Variety Use varieties that have proven to be higher in quality. Fertilization Provide fertilizer based on soil test recommendations
Be Careful of Cutting Height
Write this down in BIG BOLD letters! “GRASS GROWS GRASS.”
Parting Thoughts RFQ is chiefly defined by digestibility and DM intake Plant maturity trumps ALL other factors -Even more important than forage species Rain damage is a problem, but letting a plant get overly mature to avoid a ½ inch rain is even more problematic Avoid cutting the forage too short -It reduces quality and slows the rate of regrowth