Old school way
Microsoft Confidential
New school way
What are they?
Users see a single file MyDoc.docx Developers see a zip file with xml parts Document properties File container Comments WordML/SpreadsheetML, etc. Custom-defined XML Images, video, sound Styles Charts Default format in Office 2007 and 2010 Word (.docx) Excel (.xlsx) PowerPoint (.pptx) Open XML is an ISO standard Document Parts Most parts are XML
What it is and what it’s not?
Microsoft Confidential
Word and Excel Services
FAST! ApplicationPages/secondDocs/hr*Docs/day* Word Automation Services20-307,200172,800 Word 2007~ ,600 Competitor ,880
Microsoft Confidential
Open XML SDK Data Documents Word Automation Services PDF Print Template
Microsoft Confidential
The possibilities…
Microsoft Confidential
Any questions? Want to share scenarios/solutions?