Blood Glucose Quiz
Which organ monitors blood glucose levels? A Kidney A Kidney B Liver B Liver C Pancreas C Pancreas D Brain D Brain
Which hormone is produced by the pancreas when it detects high blood sugar concentration? A ADH A ADH B Glucose B Glucose C Insulin C Insulin D Glucagon D Glucagon
The human body needs a relatively constant internal environment. Which TWO of the following are responsible for monitoring changes in the blood? A Pancreas A Pancreas B Liver B Liver C Thermoregulatory centre C Thermoregulatory centre D Skin capillaries D Skin capillaries
In a diabetic, a dangerously high blood sugar level is likely to be…… A The result of not producing enough insulin A The result of not producing enough insulin B Caused by eating too much fat B Caused by eating too much fat C Because of the water loss from the skin during exercise C Because of the water loss from the skin during exercise D Reduced by injection of glucagon D Reduced by injection of glucagon
The target organ for the hormone glucagon is ….. A The pancreas A The pancreas B The kidney B The kidney C The pituitary gland C The pituitary gland D The liver D The liver
Glucagon is released when the blood sugar level is ….. A Low and stimulates the conversion of glucose to glycogen B High and stimulates the conversion of glucose to glycogen C Low and stimulates the conversion of glycogen to glucose D High and stimulates the conversion of glycogen to glucose
Which substance is converted when insulin is released? A ADH B Glucose C Glycogen D Glucagon
What two things can cause a low blood glucose level? A Eating a meal B Exercise C Prolonged fasting D Watching TV