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S KIING By: Hannah
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: What you Need Chapter 3: How to Stop Chapter 4: Boots and Skis Chapter 5: Chair Lifts Chapter 6: Hills Chapter 7: Poles Glossary
C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCTION In the winter, most days are cold and icy. Do you ever wonder what to do on those cold icy days? I asked myself that question a few years ago and that weekend we decided to go to a ski resort. On my first run, I was slow and fell a lot because I had not skied in a long time. But the more I practiced, the better I got. I learned the pizza and how to stay in control, I learned hill levels and how to get snow out of my face. I think skiing is a great way to have fun on those cold icy days.
C HAPTER 2: W HAT YOU N EED When you are skiing, the first thing you’ll need is boots and skis. You also need a helmet. You don’t NEED to have a ski helmet; you can also use your bike helmet. Another thing you need is goggles. If you don’t have goggles, ice and wind will blow in your face and you won’t be able to see. When you first begin skiing, you don’t need poles but once you get better, it is good to have them. You can rent all this stuff from the ski resort.
C HAPTER 3: H OW TO S TOP Stopping is pretty easy once you learn. To stop you need to do “the pizza”. To do the pizza, you make the front of your skis into a triangle like this. Think of a pizza slice Or you can tilt you skis like this. But the pizza is easier.
C HAPTER 4: B OOTS AND S KIS For skiing, you need both boots and skis. The boot is a little tight at first, but you will get used to it. The boot kind of attaches to your ski with a little lever thing called a binding on your ski like this. Lever
C HAPTER 5: C HAIR L IFTS A chair lift is a swing attached to a wire that goes up the hill. The old chair lifts can fit 2-3 people, but the new ones (The Four Man) can fit up to five people!!!!!!!!!! You’ll have to have to hold on because there are no seatbelts.
C HAPTER 6: H ILLS In skiing there are four kinds of hills. There are green hills which are the bunny hills for beginners. Then are the blue hills which are for skiers that are intermediate skiers. Then there is the black diamond which is for experts. Then last of all there is the double black diamond which is for EXPERTS!!!!!!!!! There are more than one of the hills, and they each have a name.
C HAPTER 7: P OLES When you first begin skiing, you shouldn’t use poles. But once you get better, you can use them. Poles are used for balance. You hold them at your side with the pointy part behind you. You also can use them to turn. You put the point on the side you want to turn then point your skis the same direction.
G LOSSARY Lever – A bar for raising and moving weight. Pointy – Coming to a rather sharp point. Resort – : a place providing recreation and entertainment especially to vacationers. Balance – equality between the totals of the two sides of an account.
Hannah is passionate about skiing. She has been skiing since she was 7. Her favorite place to ski is Boyne Highlands. Hannah’s dad comes from a VERY large family and they are all swimming champs, especially in butterfly. But Hannah’s favorite stroke is breastroke. Some of Hannah’s other hobbies are swimming, tennis, cooking, running, and riding her bike. She currently lives in Beverly Hills and goes to Birmingham Covington School (BCS ). She also loves to read. Her favorite author is Roald Dahl. She has a dog named Fletcher and 2 hermit crabs named Mike and Sophie. She also has two sisters named Ellie and Lauren. A BOUT T HE A UTHOR
P ICTURE C REDITS everyday-skier/ Posters_i _.htm boston-economy/