Coaching Tip: After a training, choose one thing to bring back to staff. One strategy, one idea, one thing that teachers can implement immediately in their classroom that day. Model it! Note: This presentation was made after a group of teachers attended a 3-day SIOP training.
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol SIOP
Staff Meeting Objectives Content Objective: I can create one or two sentence frames to use in my content classroom. Language Objective: I can write how sentence frames help students.
Does this look familiar? What did you learn today? “Nothing” What did you do well? “Everything” What do you still need to work on? “IDK” Talk to your partner about ______. Chaos
Sentence Frames Student responses focused on content Key vocabulary infused Quick formative assessment Thinking is explicit Great discussion tool Scaffolding Reduces anxiety Helps ALL students show what they learned Do-able; therefore, motivating
What is a sentence frame? Using RAVE helps me __________and ___________. The tables shows an example of a _______sequence because______________. _______ and ______ are alike because___________. I have a question about _________. I already tried ___________, but I still ____________.
What is a sentence frame? The topic of this paragraph is __________. I know this because __________________. There was (no) (a little) (a lot) of conflict between Native Americans and white settlers because______. I observed ___________. I can infer ____________ because __________________.
Sentence Frames What it ISWhat it is NOT A guided student response Scaffolding Explicit thinking Reflective Justification A cloze Filling in blanks Pre-printed for kids An incomplete thought
Content Objective: I can create one or two sentence frames to use in my content classroom Examples Using RAVE helps me __________and ___________. The tables shows an example of a _______sequence because______________. My day with the sub was ________because________. I have a question about _________. I already tried ___________, but I still ____________.
Language Objective: I can write how sentence frames help students. On a sticky note, please complete one of the following sentence frames : Sentence frames help students by________. Sentence frames help teachers by ________.
SIOP Next Steps… Opportunities for all staff to be trained in SIOP model next year! PowerPoint is in T:drive, Shared PowerPoints If you create a cool sentence frame, share it with the SIOP team!