Classroom Management in a 1:1 Environment B Fielder November 2012
Key Principles for using technology in a School O Technology is a TOOL and teaching is not about the tool. Curriculum drives the technology O Technology should not be viewed as a threat. As David Thornberg once said “Any teacher who can be replaced by a computer deserves to be.” O The Challenge is to bring together best practices in classroom management, technology integration and instructional design
Girton and 21 st century learning O Integrating Technology into the classroom will help students build the 21 st century skills they need: - Critical thinking - Problem Solving - Communication skills - Creativity - Innovative Thinking - IT O Bloom’s Digital taxonomy is a useful tool
Bloom’s & Technology Integration
Bloom’s Revised
Bloom’s HOTS & LOTS
TPACK O TPACK is a way of looking at technology-infused lesson design
Girton’s 1:1 program guidelines O iPads must be charged overnight and arrive at school fully charged each day O Devices must be used in the classroom ONLY for specific, educational purposes as specified by the teacher O Personal communications (social networking, , digital entertainment are NEVER permitted in the classroom, unless for specific educational activities authorised by the teacher
continued O Teachers should develop routines and procedures defining when and how iPads should be used in their classroom. It is the responsibility of the teacher to clearly establish and communicate these expectations O Technology should be treated as basic educational tools. Access should not be denied as a punishment nor granted as a reward in a classroom
continued O Students should not take pictures or video of others without their permission O Each student is accountable for their words and conduct both in class and online O Technology problems are NEVER an excuse for late or missing work. Advise students to SAVE often and leave enough time to complete work
Five Golden Rules to 1:1 Rule 1 O We are still teachers and they are still students. Managing a classroom of students with 1:1 technology is mostly about managing the students rather than the technology Rule 2 O Do the same things you would do in any other classroom. Do you ban pens and pencils when students pass notes? What do you do? In a 1:1 environment do exactly the same thing.
Continued O What works now? What classroom management techniques do you use that help you to create the type of learning environment you want in your classroom Rule 3 O Be open-minded and brave enough to open the door into the 1:1 environment rather closing the door on exciting opportunities. O “Using technology successfully in the classroom is a mindset not a skill set” Kim Cofino, International School Bangkok
Continued Rule 4 O Constant access to tools and rich information in the 1:1 classroom creates a new learning ecology, in which information and ideas are abundant, in flux, and constantly evolving. Rule 5 O No one person possesses all the skills and knowledge—including knowledge about the technology or the content—needed to function within the new ecology. Instead, a collective intelligence, one that results from individuals and communities working with ideas and information, is leveraged (O’Reilly, 2006).
O As Zucker and Light (2009) point out, computers are different than other technologies used in schools because they are “all-purpose machines” (p. 84). O They can be used as a library, a museum, or a production studio to create knowledge artefacts in a variety of modes and media types. O They can also be combined with other technologies (e.g., cameras, probes, digital calculators, telescopes, microscopes) to engage in focused educational endeavours.
Classroom Management O Managing student behaviour is a challenge as old as teaching O Of all the possible variables, classroom management has the largest impact on student achievement (Marzano)
Classroom Management O Set the tone - The classroom is a learning environment. All decisions, including when to use (or not use) technology should be seen & explained through that lens - Students must be held accountable for their actions - Model appropriate conduct when using technology O Provide clear and consistent rules, procedures and consequences O Discipline and documentation are essential O Persistence is required
Understand O If you have poor management now, technology will not change that O Adding technology to a boring lesson does not necessarily make the lesson interesting O Successful technology integration means - Preparation - Problem Solving - Persistence on a united school front
Before you start teaching in a 1:1 environment O Have clear expectations O Plan well O Use technology with a purpose (do not add technology to the same old lesson) O Test your lesson on the technology prior to a lesson O Think about what works for you (headphones? Music? ? Multitasking? furniture arrangement? Consequences for students?)
Classroom Strategies O Use MBWA: Management By Walking Around O Tweak your instructions: close your books and listen to me/look at the board becomes Close the cover of the iPad and listen to me O If a student does not follow instructions, close the iPad cover. The rule is: if a teacher closes the cover, the teacher opens it again – not the student
Continued O Set expectations for students O Be willing to help each other within the classroom – we can all learn from each other O Communicate effectively – use the correct terms (iPad, cover, apps, video clip, portal …) O Think creatively and reason critically O Utilise technology effectively
Continued O Use technology purposefully – to achieve the goals you want to achieve O Set content-driven goals and also skill (technology)-driven goals O Remember to think about the necessary computer skills students will need to be successful – do not assume