Ipswich High School
Mission Statement The mission of Ipswich High School is to provide a student-centered, collaborative learning environment which motivates each student to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in our technologically rich society as a responsible citizen.
High School Faculty
“It is not the position in which you stand but the direction in which you look.”
Improvement Initiatives: the Pathway to Student Achievement Technology Block Schedule Curriculum Climate
History and Philosophy Restructured the curriculum coordinator position Embrace teachers as leaders Research and adapt current best teaching practices Initiate innovative programs and strategies
Subject Area Committees (SAC) English Language Arts, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Teacher representatives from each school in the district and an administrative liaison
Purpose of the Subject Area Committees Align curriculum Analyze MCAS results Utilize data Revise curriculum Improve instruction Research best practices
Professional Development Commitment to professional development opportunities Year end curriculum writing In-service Mentor program Summer institutes
Block Scheduling … change before you have to…….
Rationale Common Core of Learning Curriculum Frameworks Time on learning Glasser’s learning pyramid Sizer’s “less is more” Daggett’s “rigor and relevance”
Schedule Modified semester block Directed study Three 87 minute periods per semester One 45 minute class all year Release time every Thursday
Impact Quality learning time Varied activities Opportunities for multiple assessment Less stress (students and teachers) Fewer disruptions Greater rapport with students Positive school climate Longer retention of information
Evaluation Self study External review Student and parent surveys Faculty discussion groups Test results
Technology ….you can’t download a vision…..
21 st Century Classrooms Life-long learning Collaborative environments Student-centered Teacher as facilitator Constructivist approach Technology as a tool
21 st Century Classrooms Work is different... Tools are different... Communication is different... Information is different... Kids are different... Learning is different … And Teaching must be different !
Establishing New Learning Environments 21 st Century Classroom: information-rich, technology-enhanced learning environment Constructivist Approach Teacher Written Proposals Technology as Tool in the Classroom Technology Timeline
Professional Development Summer institutes Freshpond Curriculum Design Teams In-class support Salem State College partnership/Masters Program Lighthouse Grants Model Technology Grant
Building Design 5 computers in every classroom Laptops for teachers Wireless carts Video Projectors Smart Boards CAD and Digital Imaging Lab Video Editing Graphing Calculators
Support and Staffing Technology Integration Specialist Connected to all SAC Network Administrator Technician Students as technology leaders Teacher leaders
Test preparation
Climate Testing environment
Climate Celebrating success
“…[Ipswich High School] Teachers demonstrate a marked degree of professional respect for each other, for the administration and for the wider school community including the students. It seems important to state that only schools with a cohesive and committed faculty are likely to be successful in adopting the Ipswich culture and to reinforce that it should serve as a model only to those high schools that are demographically similar.” “…Teachers are excited about the difference these initiatives have made to their success and to the quality of their professional lives. They are keen to share with others their experience of implementing and sustaining the new student centered culture…” Compass School Report, Massachusetts DOE April 2003