The best science classroom tool that students already have By Joseph Calmer
Introduction What is the best tool for learning that (most)students already own Their phone Are teachers ready to give up their instructional power to this new source of information delivery? Are/ should teachers compete for attention? Despite this, we are still responsible for creating citizens. Did the technology debate start with math
Research Quotes Technology holds students’ interest (and teacher’s) Thomas Edison had a vision of technology use in education New and innovative instructional strategies and curricular plans help individualize the educational experience Having engaged/ interested students, is the best classroom management strategy Finding and doing teaching best practices before Admin has to tell me (my own)
More Research Positive climate= "sustained positive school climate is associated with positive child and youth development, effective risk-prevention and health-promotion efforts, student learning and academic achievement, increased student graduation rates, and teacher retention.” Student prefer to use devices
His quote "Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools... our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years.” Editorial- very little has actually change in 100 years in education Why
Recent Article 91 days with which to teach out of 180 because of state testing, district testing, roll, holidays, etc How can technology improve this?
How may of these could be avoided?
The Pros/ The Cons Pros of phone use in class Tools Pictures Access to all the facts in the world Interesting Websites and other auxiliary applications for learning that are designed for phone usage BYOD Cons of phone use in class Distractions Not learning traditional study skills No interaction with others Teacher is not the ultimate source of information BYOD
History The basics: Websites, flash animations, background info, pictures Next: advanced searches ItunesU, use for basic work Gradebook, attendance, teacher assistant Students- take pictures, record, etc. class labs Formative assessment
Types of Phone Smart Internet Apps Tools Flash Cards Interactive learning websites/ apps/tools communication Dumb Tools – Notes – Calendar – calculator Can text Google- it will answer (no internet)
What can be done with this contraband? Recorder Calculator Agenda Reminders Dictionary Picture Note taking Tweet- share what they learn Study pics/ vocabulary on bus rid Retrieve old lessons Post pictures of their work Use apps as resources Use as textbooks
My Examples Plant Histology, Brain MRI, common core, textbooks, tweet out new word learned, concepts learned, calendar/ reminders, google docs, socrative, agendas ItunesU: lectures, books, courses, create iBooks, study blue
Google picture to answer
Why I immediately liked this Did not know what all students were thinking Not enough time to hear from everyone Students did not participate in class Students were not engaged in my classes Some students do not ask their questions during class Wanted to enhance my classroom technology use (without spending money)
Poll Everywhere How it works You ask a question Audience responds Can have a setting that allows for moderating before an answer is displayed Can be done via a website (so you do not need phones) Google Forms can be used similarly
Example Student responses
Another Idea
Socrative A virtual classroom for students to assess the class’s learning objectives
Plethora of Articles
Conclusions Teach students how to use this properly, not a toy but a tool They have to learn responsibility More is added everyday, it requires being proactive Builds positive technology skills for life Math divide revisited: Using technology to solve problems means we understand the nature of the problem; same with any device New Technology and Engineering Literacy framework
Principles and Goals Differentiated learning Personalization and customization Depth and complexity Digital citizenship Collaboration Flipped teaching Research Organization
Google Apps for Educators
Research themes Multitasking problem? Gadgets distract- teaching “generation M” because devices are not simply entertainment BYOD?- how to manage Students learn at their own pace Effect of technology with CCSS Setting goals with technology: Needs and Desires The use of Google forms to allow for students to elaborate and explain their thought thoroughly
What is the role of the teacher now? Teacher as coach Youtube for content Share lessons (pop song about gamma rays) on twitter (followed another teacher) Digital formative assessment Use of Edmoto No more 40 minute lectures and wonder if they “got it” Ability to provide “targeted, individual feedback”
This headline grabbed my attention “Returning to my original premise: great teachers do not teach. They stack the deck so that students have a reason to learn and in the process can't help but learn mainly by teaching themselves. This knowledge then becomes permanent and cherished rather than illusory and irrelevant.”
Resources Accomplished Teacher ASCD Edutopia Google Apps for Educators: Google contact: ( ed about reinstating) ItunesU Poll Everywhere: Socrative: Tech and Learning Google forms
Article links heick heick us_b_ html us_b_ html tackle-multitasking-in-class/ tackle-multitasking-in-class/ students-benefit-from-i-Learn-a-new-approach-in-education?nclick_check=1 students-benefit-from-i-Learn-a-new-approach-in-education?nclick_check=1 changingrole.h32.html?tkn=URCC%2Bg2TDRVClu23rpm8OnzJX4VAA%2BH4%2BkB X&cmp=clp-sb-ascd changingrole.h32.html?tkn=URCC%2Bg2TDRVClu23rpm8OnzJX4VAA%2BH4%2BkB X&cmp=clp-sb-ascd framework/ch_toc/index.html framework/ch_toc/index.html
Future Ideas QR codes- can make your own so student can find what you want- now address typing