Creating Options In Your College Search Providing out-of-state options for California
Eric Wilson Admission Counselor Saint Louis University
Agenda 1.Options 2.Cost 3.Growth and Learning 4.Risk and Reward 5.Top 5 Reasons
CA High School Students 9900 public schools 1000 private schools 6 million public school students 120,000 private school students
In-State 9 - UC Campuses – 180, Cal State Campuses - 435, Junior Colleges Million 77 - Private College (AICCU)- 289,900 Providing out-of-state options for California
Nearly 2.5 million students graduating from CA high schools and Community Colleges… …With 220 Universities to consider in their home state
Out-of-State =3400 Colleges Sizes Different locations Admit rates Costs Increase search = find match
Average UC Cost = $25,000 Average CSU Cost = $14,500 - $21,000 Private School Costs = $26,200 Scholarships -Class shaping -Diversity – all types Graduation rate True cost- March
Financial Aid and Scholarships The five best websites:
New location New culture: foods, traditions Location you grew up - affect Making new friends - network
Know Yourself What is your GPA? What are your test scores? Honors/AP/IB classes? Extra curricular resume Class Rank
Know Yourself Urban vs. rural Individual attention vs. independence Clubs/activities What environments challenge and excite me?
Know The College Class size Student : teacher ratio School population Majors - variety Extra curricula activities Campus and surroundings
The three tiered list 3 Reach Colleges 3 Good Chance Colleges 3 Definite Colleges AND YOU LOVE THEM ALL!
Get involved – key to college success First year Time management Mentorship Friendship
5) Location, Location, Location 4) Size of the student body 3) Cost 2) I got accepted 1) It just felt right
Eric Wilson SLU Graduate
Saint Louis University “…an urban research university...caring for each individual as a total person and drawing its undergraduates into the life of the surrounding community” – Barron’s Best Buys in College Education St. Louis, Missouri Catholic, Jesuit, Founded 1818 Undergraduate enrollment: 8,600 Student-Faculty ratio: 12:1 Average class size: 24
Saint Louis University Undergraduate Programs Engineering Aerospace, Biomedical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical Flight Science, Aviation Management Health Sciences Athletic Training, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Business Entrepreneurship, International Business, Sports Business Medical & Law Scholars Programs
Saint Louis University Scholarship Opportunities ● Merit Awards $3-16k/year ● Presidential Scholarship (full tuition) ● Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Best Schools for Study Abroad ● SLU campus in Madrid, Spain Community ● All students live on campus first 2 years ● California is 5 th largest state in 2014 freshman class