It’s Your Turn!! Take out your pencils and…….
Frequently Asked Questions What is being tested? TEKS- Our Curriculum Reading/Science/ Math
READING TAKS March 3, 2009
The Reading Objectives 1.The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of culturally diverse written texts. *Learn new words and meanings *Recognize how figurative language is used *Multiple Meaning Words, i.e. sheet, live, *Learn parts of words to determine meaning (Prefixes & Suffixes) *Find the main idea and details. *Summarize a paragraph or story *Retell important parts of a story
Reading Objective 2. The student will apply knowledge of literary elements to understand culturally diverse written texts. *Analyze characters personalities, motivations and feelings. *Analyze characters’ relationships *Analyze why characters do what they do. *Identify a story’s setting and its effect on the meaning of the story *Recognize the story problem or plot *Recognize the story problem or plot *Recognize how the story’s problem is solved
Reading Objective Reading Objective 3. The student will use a variety of strategies to analyze culturally diverse written texts. *Use the text’s structure to locate and recall information *Compare 2 different selections *Use outlines, time lines, and graphic organizers analyze text *Make judgments about the logic and consistency of a selection *Identify and author’s purpose for writing *Recognize how an author’s point of view affects what is written
Reading Objective 4. The student will apply critical- thinking skills to analyze culturally diverse written texts. Understand when deeper meanings are implied rather than directly stated in a selection. Make reasonable predictions Form conclusions based on the information within a selection Distinguish between fact and opinion Supporting conclusions & interpretations with ideas from the text Determine how ideas, themes, and issues relate within and across texts
“Learning to read and write should be a joyous adventure, as exciting for youngsters, their families, and their teachers as when children learn to walk and talk. The key to making the journey a happy one is that we provide appropriate support.” Moustafa (1997)
Frequently Asked Questions What can our students expect to see on the TAKS test? Selections that are more than one page Different types of texts Graphic organizers, tables, graphs, Paired selections
Frequently Asked Questions What can our students expect to see on the TAKS test? Words in Italics questions Multiple-Choice Answers Underlined words
Frequently Asked Questions How long will the students have to take the test?
Frequently Asked Questions Where will the students take the test?
Frequently Asked Questions What about: Lunch? Breaks? Breaks? Snacks? Snacks?
Frequently Asked Questions When will the TAKS Reading test be given? Reading March 3, 2009 April 29,2009 Retake
TAKS Dates 5 th Grade TAKS Reading---March 3, th Grade TAKS Math---April 7, th Grade TAKS Reading Re-take---April 29, th Grade TAKS Science---April 30, th Grade TAKS Math Re-take---May 19, 2009
MATH TAKS April 7, 2009
Math Objective 1. Numbers and Operations (11 questions) o oPlace Value o oDecimals o oFractions o o+, -, x, ÷
Math Objective 2. Patterns, Relationships and Algebraic Expressions (7 questions) o oX and Y coordinate linear o oT-Charts o o Using variables
Math Objective 3. Geometry (7 questions) o oLines o oAngles o oShapes o oSolids o oTransformations
Math Objective 4. Measurement (4 questions) o oMetric and customary units for length, weight, & capacity o oConversions o oArea, perimeter, & volume o oTime & Temperature
Math Objective 5. Probability and Graphs (4 questions) o oWriting as a fraction o oPredicting results o oMedian, mode, and range
Math Objective 6. Problem Solving (8 questions) o oMissing information o oGeneralizations o oChose a plan o oLogic o oEveryday math o oMathematical language
Science TAKS April 30, 2009 The Science TAKS is a comprehensive test that covers 2 nd – 5 th grade science objectives
Science Objective 1. 1.Nature of Science-covers scientific processes (13 questions) Organizing an experiment, Measurements Tools and how they are used Using models and identify their limitations, Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of scientific explanations (hypotheses and theories)
Science Objective 2. Life Science (9 questions) Inherited/learned traits Adaptations Life cycles Systems (collection of cycles, structures, and processes that interact).
Science Objective 3. Physical Science (9 questions) Energy and its forms Matter and its physical properties Forces cause change Systems Change can create recognizable patterns (weather, objects in the sky, and metamorphosis.)
Science Objective 4. Earth Science (9 questions) Landforms Earth and Moon Weathering and erosion Past events affect present and future events (tree- rings, rock cycle) Renewable, nonrenewable and inexhaustible resources Cycles (water, oxygen, nitrogen, moon) Soil Earthquakes Glaciers
Frequently Asked Questions How is my child being prepared for the TAKS test?
Frequently Asked Questions How can I help my child prepare for the test?
Frequently Asked Questions How can I help my child prepare for the test? Encourage silent reading with a variety of texts. Ask questions about what your child has read.
Frequently Asked Questions How can I help my child prepare for the test? Keep in touch with your child’s teacher and school. Reduce television time. Plan family learning activities that will support your child’s learning. Make sure your child has a good night’s sleep and breakfast on the day of the test. Go to
How do I know if my child met the standard on the TAKS test? On the TAKS test, student performance is divided into three categories:
The student performed at a level that was considerably above the state passing standard. The student showed a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills tested at that grade level.
The student performed at a level that was at or somewhat above the state passing standard. The student showed a sufficient understanding of the knowledge and skills tested at that grade level.
The student performed at a level that was below the state passing standard. The student did not show a sufficient understanding of the knowledge and skills at that grade level.
More Questions? Contact: Your child’s teacher Principal Principal WFISD Central Office WFISD Central Office Region 9 Office Texas Education Agency