Microsoft Internet Safety Enforcement: A worldwide team of lawyers, investigators, technical analysts and other specialists whose mission it is to make the Internet safer for everyone through game-changing legal solutions, enforcement, partnerships, cooperation and technology that: Defend against digital crime and abuse Protect children from technology-facilitated crimes Advance safety and integrity in the online advertising marketplace Ensure security and safety in cloud computing and emerging technologies
Secure against attacks Protects confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and systems Manageable Protects from unwanted communication Controls for informational privacy Products, online services adhere to fair information principles Dependable, Available Predictable, consistent, responsive service Maintainable Resilient, works despite changes Recoverable, easily restored Proven, ready Commitment to customer-centric Interoperability Technology Accessibility Recognized industry leader, world-class partner Open, transparent
TwC Security Protecting Microsoft customers throughout the entire life cycle (in development, deployment and operations) Microsoft Security Engineering Center (MSEC) Security Assurance Security Science SDLSDL Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) (MSRC) MSRC Engineering MSRC Ops EcoStratEcoStrat Conception Release
Operating System 8.8% National Interest Personal Gain Personal Fame Curiosity AmateurExpertSpecialist Largest area by volume Script-Kiddy Largest segment by $ spent on defense Author Vandal Thief Spy Trespasser Largest area by $ lost Fastest growing segment
Fraud is not new to the world – it certainly happened long before the Internet was even an idea. But the Internet has changed and in some ways expanded how it’s done: Advance fee fraud and fake lotteries/sweepstakes Credit repair, mortgage and other financial scams Counterfeit software or other products sold online Scareware
Impacts everyone who advertises online or who rely on online services funded by advertising. In short… Everyone who uses the Internet. The fraud and malware threat is still just being understood, but includes things like: Click fraud Malvertising Online advertising networks like Microsoft are working on this, but it is an issue to watch closely
These threats may impact your business in a myriad of ways: Talk to your ad department: about the ads you place online and what’s happening to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth Talk to your legal team: about potential online fraud being done in your company’s name Talk to your IT department: about the security measures in place in your corporate infrastructure as technology evolves and more data moves into ‘the cloud’ Talk to your employees: to ensure they are exercising best practices Talk to your family: about ways they can better stay safe online (see for more information)
Trustworthy Computing