Teacher’s Manual Read this before you teach the rest of the PowerPoints
Purpose Each of these sessions are to be used to teach either new or inexperienced National Directors and/or staff selected for leadership roles (or potential leaders) that would benefit from the information. The PowerPoint presentations are to be used in conjunction with the modules that exist for each subject. If you are teaching National Directors, use the National Director Modules. If you are teaching staff, use the Leadership Modules.
Teachers You should attend the training yourself (in the case of a National Director teaching staff) or be very knowledgeable of the subjects already. Read the modules and the workbooks before you teach. Read the slides ahead of time and look at the pages they are associated with in the curriculum.
The Slides Only major points and headings on the slides were used. You will have to use the information in the module to explain the major points and headings (in the notes section of each slide we have included the page number of where to find the information). Be careful to check the notes section of each slide, as there may be instructions for the slide. You can do that by using the “Normal View” in PowerPoint. We have used plain, black and white slides so that they will be most usable by the most people possible. If you want to make your copy of the slides “better looking” feel free to do so.
While Teaching Use the slides as a starting point, add information to your presentation using the modules and and examples from your experiences in leadership (this requires planning ahead of time). Encourage the group to ask questions and be involved. Use the discussion questions and exercises to keep them engaged. If you come up with different questions or activities, great! Be creative and use things that will best engage and help your audience learn. One size doesn’t fit all and you may have cultural examples that are a better fit then what we have provided. Feel free to use your examples.
Questions If you are a national director and have any questions or need help contact your regional coordinator, area training director or area director. If you are a trainer within a nation and have any questions or need help contact your supervisor.