School Board Presentation District Technology Training Plan Don Bierschbach EDTC-640
Arlington County Public Schools 1.Teacher Survey 2.Technology that we already have in the County. 3.Technology that we could use. 4.What courses do we offer? 5.Proposed professional development
(diagram 1) survey questioner Arlington Public Schools )
Technology that we already have in the County. 1.4 PC computer labs in each High School (30 computers each). 2.1 complete Mac lab in each high school laptop carts that each have laptops. 4.Each classroom has at least 2 computer stations. 5.Two high schools have IPAD carts with 20 IPads in each. 6. All classrooms have Smart boards and LCD projectors. 7.Each secondary school has a TV production studio. 8.All common areas have wireless access and classrooms have wireless and wired access.
Technology that we could use. SMART Response™ interactive response systems SMART Document Cameras ation+Solutions/Products+for+educatio n e%20Page/Solutions/Edu cation%20Solutions/Prod ucts
Teachers Technology Satisfaction Survey Diagram 2: shows the percentage of teachers and their responses to the following questions including their overall level of satisfaction with the technology training being offered. Level of Satisfaction
Additional Training Needed 1.Classroom Website Building 2.Creating Blogs and Wikis 3.Using the Smart board and smart-notebook for Instruction 4.Using PowerPoint for Instruction
The District Technology and Training Plan ● Develop and implement information technology training program for all APS employees ●Design a training strategy for teachers to assist in the integration of technology into the curriculum ● Provide comprehensive instructional technology training and support ● Focus on website development and E communications.
Goals and Objectives of the DTTP Administrators, ITCs, teachers, students, and parents will collaborate on and Implement the following: 1.District needs 2.Wants 3.Develop 4.Implement 5.Evaluate 6.Reflect 7.Adjust 8.Re-evaluate District Technology Training Plan NEEDS Wants Develop Implement Evaluat e Adjust Reevaluate
Training What, Where and When ClassesLocationWhen offered 1. Introduction to webpage development Each school site1. New teacher orientation. 2.Teacher yearly pre-service 3. Summer break 2. Intro to Blogs And Wikis Each school Site1.Teacher in-service 2.Professional development 3.As determined by school staff 3. Smart-Board and Smart notebook All county school facilities1. New teacher orientation. 2.Teacher yearly pre-service 3. Summer break 4. E- communications including and internet safety All county school facilities1. Monthly at time determined by Facility ITCs
Desired results of the Arlington County Technology Plan Staff will acquire skills and become proficient in the following. 1.Webpage development and maintenance 2.Creating and maintaining Blogs and wikis 3.Increased collaboration and team building through technology 4.Effectively communicating using E tools with students and parents 5.Assessing and addressing internet risks and safety
Evaluating the Plan: Measuring success 1.Reflections 2.Satisfaction surveys 3.Voluntary after training assessments Planning Proper planning Training Proper Training Practice Hands on Practice proficiency Demonstrated proficiency
In Conclusion Students: Will have mastered the required ISTE, Technology Standards (ISTE 2007) Teachers: Will have mastered the required ISTE, Technology Standards (ISTE 2011) ologies/testing/articles/features-single/article/towards- an-emc-technology-roadmap.html
TECHNOLOGY ACCESS AND USE SURVEY Name: Not Required unless you would like a response. Age: (Optional) Gender (optional) For each item identified below, circle the number to the right that best fits your judgment of its quality. Use the scale above to select the quality number. Description/Identification of Survey Item Scale P o or Good E x c e ll e n t Do you have access to technology when you need it?12345 How comfortable are you using technology?12345 What types of technology training would you like to have?12345 What is your opinion of professional development centered on technology?12345 How much time do you spend planning for the inclusion of technology?12345 If you have used the laptop carts, have they been functioning properly (charged, wireless access, etc)? Have or do you ever use your personal technology devices at school?12345 Have you ever witnessed a student texting in class?12345 Do you use technology at home?12345 How many s do you send-receive in a day?12345 Are you an Apple or PC user?12345 Should the school district issue Ipads to all students and staff?12345
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK AND REFLECTION SHEET District Technology Training Course Participant Reflection/Feedback Name:________________Date:_______School:___________ Dates of Course(s):_____course(s) Title_______Instructor’s Name___________ Pease respond to the following questions evaluating the course and the instructor: Circle the response you most closely agree with: Use the following rating system: Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The Instructor was prepared and provided clear goals and objectives for the course. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The intended outcomes were clear realistic, and attainable. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The instructor was accessible to students before and after class. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The course was worthwhile and I would take another course from this instructor. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion I can incorporate these new skills immediately. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The course was challenging and exciting with a wide variety of activities and methods being utilized. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The small grade level groups were an important and necessary part of the course. They allowed for immediate feedback from peers. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion The teacher was down to earth and not condescending or arrogant. The instructors were approachable. Yes, No, Not Sure, No opinion
Image References Slide 3: Bierschbach, D. (2011). Teacher Technology Survey Diagram A Slide 4: Bierschbach, D. (2011). Classroom Photo Slide: 5 [Untitled image of Smart Response system]. Retrieved October 26, 2011, from [Untitled image of document Camera]. Retrieved October 26, 2011, from Slide 6: Bierschbach, D. (2011). Teacher Technology Satisfaction Survey Diagram B slide 8 Olvito, P. (Photographer). (n.d.). untitled [Photo]. Retrieved October 21, 2011, from [Untitled image of Peel Diagram]. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Slide 11 [Untitled image of Technology Training]. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Slide 13 Untitled diagram of technology integration]. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Untitled diagram of 21 st century classroom]. Retrieved October 25, 2011, from Slide 14: Bierschbach, D. (2011) Technology access and use survey form Slide 15: Bierschbach, D. (2011) Technology training participant feedback and reflection sheet
References: Arlington County Public Schools. (2011). Arlington County Public Schools. Retrieved October 20, 2011, from h ttp:// ttp:// International Society for Technology in Education ISTE. (2008) retrieved October 25, 2011from State of Virginia Department of Education. (2011). School report card. Retrieved October 23, 2011, from