1 Who does Blackboard Learn Help?
Academic Leader “Part of our vision is to extend teaching & learning beyond the confines of F2F teaching time, and Blackboard enables us to do so. Blended learning provides improved educational experiences, one with a more personalized & differentiated approach learning— collaboration, integrated social learning tools, and instant access to class materials and lectures. Some of our teachers even “flip” their classroom.” Maggie Adams Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Academic Leader Goals Implement blended learning to better prepare & better engage students Improve student success and district test scores Manage district curriculum Implement common core Provide professional development to implement teachers for blended & online learning
Educational Technology “I serve as an advocate for the development and use of educational technology in support of classroom instruction, blended and online learning. Blackboard Learn provides a comprehensive toolset to support the needs of a range of teachers – those who are just starting to use technology to ones who are fully integrating technology into the teaching & learning process.” Todd Davidson Director of Educational Technology Educational Technology Goals Implement an intuitive & reliable platform for blended or online teaching & learning Provide training to teachers Integrate the use of existing technologies & digital content across the district Model best practices in class design Need to meet increasing student expectations for mobile access to everything
Information Technology Goals Create & maintain district infrastructure to support district technology needs Integration (all systems must “talk”) Develop & implement policies to support effective use of technology by students, teachers, administrators & parents to ensure all needs are met Implement 1:1 or BYOD initiative to improve access to digital content and technology tools Need to meet increasing student expectations for mobile access to everything Information Technology “I work with Academic leaders to ensure students, teachers, administrators, and parents across the district have access to the technology tools as well as digital content resources necessary for success. I focus on providing a reliable infrastructure & network to support all technology needs, especially for a 1:1 initiative or BYOD.” Dave Worland Chief Information Officer
System Administrator “We are using Blackboard Learn for blended learning in the district. I’m impressed at how easy it is to set up our system to meet our unique needs, schedule updates, install building blocks, and integrate data from our SIS. I need to make sure Blackboard runs smoothly for all, even though managing Learn is only a small portion of my job.” Andy Adkins Designated System Administrator System Administrator Goals Configure & customize the platform Scheduling Learn upgrades Integrate SIS system Operate a helpdesk to assist students, teachers, & parents when problems occur Provide training to teachers, students, & parents Provision classes, enrollments, & accounts
Teacher “Blackboard Learn gives me the ability to connect my students, and their parents, with class information, resources, and engaging learning activities to extend the impact of my F2F classroom. I can easily engage my students and differentiate instruction while quickly getting my core tasks done. The system is built to support my pedagogical need and the needs of my students, versus my having to change and adapt to the system.” Joe McNelis Math Teacher Teacher Goals Easily utilize technology Efficiency (will it save me time)? Improve student success and engagement Leverage content area tools (such as math editor) Provide better student & parent support Differentiate instruction
Student Goals Choose fun & engaging classes that will prepare me for high school and later admittance into my college of choice Manage my homework, classroom resources, and studying efficiently Be prepared for how to learn in college Connect and collaborate with classmates Access digital content necessary for my class success Student “I am taking a number of classes that use Blackboard Learn, including an online class (Mandarin I is not offered at my school), but mostly blended classes. In these classes leverage technology to access class resources, collaborate with classmates, complete homework, and study. I love having anytime, anywhere access to my education.” Jack Ryan Junior High Honors Program
Parents Goals Access to my child’s class progress & grades Access resources to support my child’s success Access to my child’s class calendar Parents “We want to be sure our child is successful in school and we want to know what we can do at home to help him succeed” Jeff & Laurie Dedicated Parents
9 Voice of the Active Learner