International Exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Export and Import Slovenia – Germany Heimschule Lender Sasbach, Which products are imported and exported from Germany to Slovenia and inverse? Team 5. Vera, Jutta, Sophie, Janja, Jasna and Patricija
Export/ Import Slovenia Import In % to Germany
Export Germany The most German products go to France, USA and the Netherlands. in bn. €
Export from Germany to Slovenia -Products- In Tsd. €
Export from Slovenia to Germany -Products- In Tsd. €
Why is import and export important? Import: - important for the products that we can't make by our self - Some products aren't available in our country Export: - make a lot of money - increase the economic growth
The biggest German companies that export Volkswagen AG sales: Mio.€ Daimler AG sales: Mio. € Siemens AG sales: Mio. € E. ON sales: Mio. € Metro AG sales: Mio. € Deutsche Post AG sales: Mio. €
The biggest Slovenian companies that export Revoz (7,1 %) Gorenje (6,1 %) Krka (4,7 %)
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