Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Co-ordinated by #APARSEN Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, German National Library (DNB) APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management 10 March 2014
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Background: The German National Library Mandate: collect, permanently archive, bibliographically classify and make available to the general public all German and German-language publications from 1913 Legal mandate covers “non-physical media works (online publications)” Long term preservation at the DNB –Since 1998: Voluntary deposit of e-theses; development of digital publication collection and ingest workflow –Since 2003: Development of a co-operative long-term preservation system –Since 2009: Development of a long-term archiving service
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Digital Rights at the DNB DNBG: “make available to the public” vs. copyright legislation: “only with permission of the rights holder” Minimal access: 2 copies in parallel on “read only” computers in the reading rooms –Printing of up to 15% of the pages is allowed Beyond that, rights holders can grant a)Access for registered users via internet b)Unlimited access
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN DNB advises its deliverers to submit DRM free publications Since 2012, DRM mechanisms are detected automatically during the ingest workflow DRM protected material is rejected and re-submission is requested Why? –DRM poses a risk to digital preservation –DNB wants to preserve “unaltered originals” and abstains from normalization measures during ingest ( Authenticity) DRM at the DNB
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Data types that are occasionally submitted with DRM protection: –Doctoral theses –E-Books –E-Journals –E-Papers (digital versions of newspapers) Typical DRM techniques used: –PDF document restrictions (password protection, print & copy restrictions) –Adobe’s LifeCycle Management –Encrypted ZIP containers DRM at the DNB
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN DRM detection at the DNB Regular unpack routine for ZIP containers uncovers encrypted ZIP containers File Information Tools Set (FITS) with JHOVE, NZLZ Metadata Extractor detects document restrictions Caution: –Limited capabilities of the metadata tools –Does every kind of restriction pose a risk to long term preservation? –It is not always possible to get the publishers to submit DRM free versions
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Ingest Level Distribution ePub 2014
Dealing with DRM and Digital Rights at the German National Library Sabine Schrimpf, APARSEN Webinar: Long Term Preservation and Digital Rights Management, 10 March 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Challenges Increase and change of file formats and DRM techniques New technologies like tables PCs and portable E-Book readers with new embedded DRM techniques Already archived objects with DRM protection: –Between 1998 and 2012, DRM was only detected manually in sample checks Not documented No statistical values available –In 2014, re-ingest of old these material via the new and improved ingest workflow that allows detection of DRM mechanisms –DNB is entitled to remove DRM Future project #APARSEN Network of Excellence